Recent Question/Assignment

Developing Resilience
Available until 12 Apr at 23:59 12 Apr at 23:59
Due 10 Apr at 23:59 10 Apr at 23:59
-/100 pts
On completion of this assignment the student should be able to:
Judiciously apply strategies within the social, physical and economic environment to reduce
risk and mitigate against the effects of a disaster or conflict and align to a relevant SDG
Critically appraise the need to link response, mitigation and recovery of society to the SDGs
the Sendai framework
The aim of this assignment is to evaluate the mitigation and recovery from hazard(s) of a
community’s social and physical infrastructure and prepare a plan to increase the resilience
of the community’s social and physical infrastructure over time. This report should be written
applying relevant aspects of the Sendai Framework for disaster risk reduction and select an
SDG goal that is applicable to your situation.
The report must identify, apply and fully reference appropriate concepts and models. The
report should be 3000 to 4000 words in length, exclusive of executive summary, tables,
references and any appendices.
A full explanation of the coursework is available in the Project Three Brief in Canvas.
Weighting 45%
Length 3000 to 4000 (+ or - 10%)
Due Date 10/04/2022
Submission Method
Submission referencing: use a report format with a numerical hierarchy of headings and
subheadings. All sources must be referenced appropriately, and all figures and tables must
be numbered, titled and integrated into the body of the report.
Submission format: use an A4 written format. The submission will be in the form of an
electronic Word file submitted to Turnitin. For electronic submissions it is advisable that you
cut and paste your written assignment into the Assessment Cover Sheet file, not the other
way and rename the file as YOURSURNAME INITIAL COURSE CODE.doc or
YOURSURNAME INITIAL COURSE CODE.pdf . The file size can be an issue when
submitting through Turnitin. You are advised to review the size of your file ensuring it is below
1.0MB. If you are including photographs and other digital graphic media it is recommended
that you adopt processes (Photoshop, PowerPoint etc.) to reduce it to 72dpi format. It is
important to note that electronic submissions will be marked in their electronic form for this
course. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that any files submitted are in a
Microsoft/Mac Word or Adobe format or are readable or compatible with these formats.
Documents will be formatted as follows:
1.5 line spacing and 12 point Times font;
no indentation,
paragraphs separated by two returns;
illustrations within body of text; and
minimal use of headings and subheadings
Submission time and location: All assignments are to be submitted through Turnitin in the
assignment Box in Blackboard by the submission time and date. THERE IS NO HARDCOPY

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