Recent Question/Assignment

UU114 English for Academic Purposes
Assignment 1: ARGUMENT / DISCUSSION ESSAY 800 – 1000 words
Due date: 24 September 2021 10 points
Mandated strategies
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The Covid-19 pandamic has affected almost every country in the world. According to the World Health Oganisation there are over 195 million confirmed cases. A few countries remain covid-free but not many. Each country’s government has its strategies in attempts to counter the rapid increase in the number of covid cases – from lockdown to vaccination to curfew to the wearing of a mask. One interesting issue that has arisen is the question of citizens complying with the mandated strategies. While many people readily comply with the strategies, some disagree and make known their disagreement through individual and mass protests.
Write an essay on ONE of the following topics. The essay must show the use of four (4) references in the Harvard style. Provide a bibliography.
1. Discuss the reasons why some people refuse to comply with their government’s mandated strategies.
2. Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of citizens complying with the strategies enlisted by their governing authorities.