Recent Question/Assignment

1. Writing structure -
a. Introduction: 1 - 2 pages
c. Discussions (Mechanisms/Principals/Current Applications and etc): ¦
e. ‘Recommendation and ideas to enhance the stipulated technology from your understanding (Individual personal perspective): ’A (half) page/student
f. References: Journals/Books/Authorized articles and etc. No limited numbers/pages
2. Writing format:
a. Margin (Normal): Top, Bottom Right, Left: 1-
b. Line Spacing: 1.5
c. Font type and size: Arial Narrow, 12
d. Paragraph: Justify
e. Page Number: Bottom Cantered
f. Language: English UK
g. Citation format: APA style
3. Writing style:
a. Since the topic is closely related to the fundamental theories of ionizing radiations for advanced application technologies, any diagrams and equations that explained the mechanisms/principals/concepts/techniques of subject matter are very encourages
b. Any figures, flow mechanism or tables that significant to solidify your explanation also encourages
In your essay, you must explain the operational principal of the related radiation-based equipment has been used and critically review the reflected issues and suggest the appropriate solution to encounter the given problems. ‘1(e): Personal perspective is individual and compulsory for each student to write their own ideas