Recent Question/Assignment

3000 words
I have the following assignment details...
I'am doing Master of Communication, specialized in Film and Video. One of a unit requires me to do research project writeup and submit the project write up in the final semester sometime in July 2015...but for that project we have to get prepare from this semester like,, we got to come up with the research topic, research question, write a literature review and write project proposals. I have comeup with the research title and had a discussion with lecturer, which they are quite happy..
Since, my major is Film and Video,, i proposed to do research project on development of feature films in my native country (BHUTAN) where the development taking is very poor...So, my lecture has suggested me that i should talk on following:

* Political economy of media
* Compare and Contrast with other countries (Australia would be fine)
* Government role on the media (power of investment)
* on..

So, i have drafted the following research topic:

* Impact of Political economy of media in Bhutan
*Media and its policy in Bhutan
*Development of economic policy to strengthen media strategy

These above topics are very draft which you may need to re-fine them..

I have also come up with the following draft research questions:
* Why Government of Bhutan doesn't focus on the strengthing media policy in the country?
* How should Government develop a policy.
* How does the film industry in Bhutan compare to that in Australia?

I have attached the detail unit outline, please go through them once to get ideas, what is University requirements..