Recent Question/Assignment

100893 The Novel Assessment Three – Essay (30%) length 1500words
Write an essay answering question 1
You must refer to at least three secondary academic sources in your essay. Use a conventional essay format (introduction, body, conclusion, works cited list). You must submit a hard copy (with signed coversheet) and a copy to turnitin.
1. Daniel Defoe wrote in his ‘Preface’ to Robinson Crusoe that the story was a ‘just history of fact’. (7) What does this reveal about the purpose of Robinson Crusoe and of the novel generally?
Assessment Three Criterion Table
Strength of Argument
Use of Evidence
High Distinction 85-100
Fully engaged with the question in a particularly original, focused and imaginative way.
Particularly perceptive and original; detailed; well-developed; thoroughly consistent; fully convincing.
Full command of a broad range of textual evidence; a broad range of pertinent quotations used in a
Particularly fluent and subtle use of language; excellent command of grammar, spelling, punctuation, paragraphing;
A broad range of highly relevant and pertinent texts consulted, with evidence of sophisticated critical engagement.