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Unit title & code
Research Methods in Business Practice- BSS057-3
Assignment number and title
Assignment 1 – Quantitative Data Analysis Report
Assessment type
Problem-Based Report
Weighting of assessment
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Unit learning outcomes
1 Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
• Relevant to business research, the nature of literature review, and research methodology as well as their relevance to business practice.
2 Demonstrate the following skills and abilities
• In developing a purposeful literature review and analysing a complex data set.
What am I required to do in this assignment?
You must produce an individual Report addressing a recent business research problem within the UK leisure and Tourism Industry. The report should contain the following elements:
1. Clearly defined business research problem
2. Brief Literature Review covering relevant concepts, models and/or theories
3. Identification of a dataset sourced from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) website that will enable you to address your chosen business research problem
4. Quantitative analysis of the dataset using tools and techniques from the unit with the submission of the spreadsheet along with your individual written Report
5. Visualizations of data drawn from your quantitative analysis (e.g., tables, charts, graphs)
6. Findings and conclusions drawn from the quantitative analysis of the dataset that addresses the business research problem
The purpose of the individual report is to allow the student the opportunity to explore an area of the course in depth and demonstrate evidence of independent critical thought and research. You will need to identify a business research problem and use datasets that are freely provided by the Office of National Statistics ( to provide a solution to the business research problem you have identified. Additional databases and data could be used by exception and only after consultation with the tutor.
When developing your own business research problem, you should consult with your tutor with regards to their appropriateness. Please keep in mind that the focus of this assessment is not on the problem itself but the way you use quantitative data to find a solution to the business research problem.
You should maintain good references using the Harvard system. Incorrect referencing will be penalized. Do use visual aids in order to facilitate your data analysis and presentation.
An electronic copy of the Report along with the Excel spreadsheet containing the dataset and your quantitative analysis must be provided.
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
• Show understanding of the context of the chosen topic
• Develop a literature review that uses at least 2-3 academic sources of information
• Include relevant data to address the topic and support your conclusions
• Produce an academic piece of work which is supported by evidence of research and UoB Harvard Referencing
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
We will be filling this section in together in class onClick or tap to enter a date.make sure you have downloaded/printed out the Assignment Brief and bring it to the session with you.
How does assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
Scheduled sessions deliver content related to the assessment, for example literature review and data analysis. The unit utilises a problem-based assignment. The knowledge that is delivered via lectures and seminars and aims to support the cognitive development of the students as they gain skills in dealing with the problem at hand.
The problem-based assessment should provide knowledge on how to go about dealing with a business issue and how to process data to respond to such a business issue (which is fundamentally similar to the dissertation process).
How will my assignment be marked?
Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page.
You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.
Criteria Fail
0-39% 3rd Class
40-49% Lower 2nd
50-59% Upper 2nd
60-69% 1st Class
Context and Literature Review
insufficient evidence of relevant research and context, which is largely vague, with references of poor quality Provided some evidence of relevant research and context but largely vague, with some references of poor quality Context is provided but superficial. The references are of mixed quality Acceptable evidence of a well-presented context with good and relevant and references Thorough and outstanding evidence of a well-developed context with relevant research and good use of referencing to demonstrate relevance to the topic
Identification of the datasets required to resolve the problem identified
Limited or no evidence included that demonstrates a good choice and use of appropriate datasets to the problem identified. Included Some evidence of choosing appropriate datasets for analyzing the problem identified. Satisfactory evidence that demonstrates systematic and coherent data identification and usage. Data used is mostly relevant and logical Appropriate evidence that demonstrates good choice and range of data used and the data is all relevant to the problem identified. Comprehensive and outstanding use of relevant data set to resolve the problem identified
Data analysis, findings and conclusions aligned to the problem
Limited or no evidence of data analysis, with flaws all through. The data generated is ad hoc or irrelevant; the conclusions are not substantiated The report included Some evidence of data analysis but there are flaws throughout. The data generated is ad hoc or irrelevant; the conclusions are not substantiated There is an attempt to analyze the data with some insights provided but is somewhat flawed and limited. Data generated is of limited use, as such, the problem is only partially resolved. Appropriate and sensible data analysis. The analysis is useful and insightful. Conclusions meet the objectives of the project Comprehensive and outstanding data analysis with a well-developed insight and thorough conclusion
The conclusions provided are valuable and insightful.
Professional Formatting References Language
The report is largely poor and limited in terms of the Overall presentation, formatting, spellings, and the imprecise use of language. Adherence to the referencing conventions both in the text and the reference list is largely ignored The report is somewhat Poorly formatted, with imprecise language, and spelling related mistakes. Adherence to the referencing conventions both in the text and the reference list not followed all through The report is largely fair in terms of the Overall presentation, formatting, and spellings, thought there are some imprecise usage of language within the text. Adherence to the referencing conventions both in the text and the reference list would is largely ignored The report demonstrates somewhat Correct English usage with precise and concise statements within the text. Whilst there are some Adherence to the referencing conventions both in the text and the reference list, there are some errors in some parts. Excellent and
outstanding well-written report, with clear expressions and correct formatting. The spellings and the use of language is largely correct with smooth flow of reading throughout. The reference is diverse and follows the appropriate referencing convention

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