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IFN561: Enterprise Systems Lifecycle Management
Assessment Task 2
Assessment Task 2
Task overview
Assessment name: Request for Proposal (RFP)
Task description: The objective for this assignment is to build on your earlier group assignment (Assessment Task 1). For Assessment Task 2, you will prepare a request for proposal (RFP) for the information system you have proposed in the previous assignment.
This RFP will provide a comprehensive description of the proposed information system and the approach to be taken to develop the new system.
Learning outcomes measured: ULO2: Recommend and justify a range of IT strategies to address the limitations and barriers of an organisation enterprise system.
ULO3: Communicate effectively in professional and scholarly contexts to a variety of stakeholders in written formats.
ULO6: Collaborate with others in a team environment to deliver an outcome for a client.
Final report due: Wednesday, 12 October 2022
Weighting: 30 %
Individual/Group: Group
How will I be assessed: 7-point grading scale using a rubric
Task details
What you need to do: 1. Read the Criterion-Referenced Assessment Rubric.
2. Read the assignment description and background.
3. Follow the step-by-step guide of the assignment.
4. Complete the group declaration and criteria sheet.
Presentation requirements: This assessment task must be completed for submission on Blackboard under Assessment Tasks Assessment Task 2 by using the Assessment Task 2 Group Template.
Resources needed to complete task:
• IFN561 Blackboard site
• QUT Cite|Write APA guide.
Submission Information
What you need to submit: You need to submit the following item:
1. Completed IFN561_Assessment_Task_2_Group_Template.docx
How to submit: 1. Access “Written Assignment Submission Area: Assessment Task 2”
2. Attach file by browsing your computer.
3. Select the correct file.
4. Click Submit.
5. To check successful submission, you will receive a text match % (if this is an option), and you are able to resubmit, view or download your paper.
6. ALWAYS check your student email for the submission receipt.
Moderation: All staff who are assessing your work meet to discuss and compare their judgements before marks or grades are finalised.
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At university, students are expected to demonstrate their own understanding and thinking using the ideas provided by ‘others’ to support and inform their work, always making due acknowledgement to the source. While we encourage peer learning, it is not appropriate to share assignments with other students unless your assessment piece has been stated as being a group assignment. If you do share your assignment with another student, and they copy part of or all of your assignment for their submission, this is considered collusion and you may also be reported for academic misconduct. If you are unsure and need further information you can find this at:

The objective for this assignment is to build on your earlier group assignment (Assessment Task 1). For Assessment Task 2, in your group of 3-5 people, you will prepare a request for proposal (RFP) for the information system you have proposed in the previous assignment. This RFP will provide a comprehensive description of the proposed information system and the approach to be taken to develop the new system. Please keep the groups of Assessment Task 1 for Assessment Task 2, which will provide consistency because the assignments build on each other.
Specifically, you will develop an RFP to invite vendors to develop an information system to address the problem or opportunity you have identified in your previous assignment (Assessment Task 1). You will be required to explain the requirements and details of the information system that could address the problem/opportunity you have identified. Use the feedback on your previous assignment to help you improve your overall RFP for an applicable information system.
In the previous assignment, your group has selected an organisation and you have developed an idea for an information system to address problems or opportunities within that company. In the previous assignment, you have developed an understanding of how the organisation you have selected should design strategies and plan for enterprise systems to address problems/opportunities that exist in that organisation. In this assignment, you will develop an RFP to invite vendors to develop an information system following your strategy map to address the problem/opportunity you have identified in the selected company.
Step-by-step guide
Assessment Task 1 and 2 in this unit are related. Building on your proposed idea to solve a problem or pursue opportunities using an enterprise system from Assessment Task 1, you will prepare and develop an RFP document to invite external vendors to develop such an enterprise system in Assessment Task 2. This will allow you to obtain feedback on your idea after the first assignment, so you can improve it before submitting your second assignment.
The encompassing idea of this assignment is to develop an RFP for an information system that can solve a problem or help an organisation overcome its weaknesses.
The format of your assignment is a request for proposal. Your request for proposal should be clearly structured and present information as clearly and succinctly as possible. When it comes to writing a request for proposal, you should have the following sections:
A. Completed declaration and criteria sheet by group members. Found in the Assessment Task 2 Group Template.
B. Introduction & Objectives: The introduction should provide a useful background information of the company, contact information, what products and services the company is offering, and an overview of the strategy, vision, mission, goals and value of the company. This section should also provide the main capabilities of the company, and unique competitive advantages of the company. Further, you should outline the project details, scope, and goals, by explaining the project, and describing the system the company is looking for. This section should also provide specifics about the proposed system, the objectives of the system, the outcomes you expect from the system, and specify the tasks that are necessary to successfully complete the system. You should clearly specify the list of the objectives the system should achieve.
C. Project Specification: This section should provide a list of functional and non-functional requirements. You should also explain the priority of the requirements using the MoSCoW approach. This section should also outline the capacity planning strategy of the company. If any vendor is serious about working with you, they will want to know the workload you expect the system to handle while keeping the performance at the same level of the performance you may specified through non-functional requirements. What resources are available in your organisation? Do you need any additional IT infrastructure? How will the system be integrated with the existing systems? You also need to allow vendors to propose their ideas and processes, then you can make more informed decisions on the best approach to achieve the objectives of the project.
D. Collaboration Details & Budget: This section should explain the preferred collaboration arranging (e.g., hybrid, outsourcing, etc.). You need to specify if there are any stakeholders employed by the company who will be involved in the project, explain their roles and clearly outline the responsibilities of any stakeholders including the vendor. This section also should outline the detailed schedule, so vendors know if they can meet your deadlines. You also need to include budget information, if the company has a strict budget for the project. Otherwise, you may need to ask vendor to detail how much they will charge you for the project and ask them to breakdown their payment requirements and procedures.
E. Evaluation & Submission: In this section, you need to explain the evaluation criteria and break it down to specify how you will select a winning vendor. When you are choosing a vendor to work with your company, you should select the best vendor who meets your needs and is well qualified to work on the project. If there are circumstances that would lead to immediate disqualification, then you should include those as well. This section should also specify the direction for submitting the proposal and the deadline for the submission.
F. References: The references must contain all the material cited in the report. It must be accurate and consistent with APA style. Refer to
G. Appendix. The appendix may contain extra supporting information (if any) that is included at the end of the report so as not to distract the reader from the main aspects of the report. The appendix contains detailed information, such as supporting questionnaires, tables, graphs, and diagrams. The material used in the appendix should be numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text.

IFN561 Enterprise Systems Lifecycle Management | Assessment Task 2 Rubric
Criteria High Distinction (7) Distinction (6) Credit (5) Pass (4) Fail (1-3)
Introduction & Objectives
(4 marks) The introduction clearly and succinctly outlines details about the company, as well as the strategy, vision, mission, values and goals, and scope. An appropriate background and key capabilities are provided. The RFP clearly and concisely states the objectives of the system and the expected outcomes. The system’s objectives are clearly linked to the objectives of the organisation.
Mark indication: 4 The introduction clearly outlines details about the company, as well as the strategy, vision, mission, values and goals, and scope. An appropriate background and key capabilities are provided. The RFP clearly states the objectives of the system and the expected outcomes. The system’s objectives are clearly linked to the objectives of the organisation.
Mark indication: 3 The introduction/background outlines details about the company, as well as the strategy, vision, mission, values and goals. An appropriate background and key capabilities of the company are provided. The RFP clearly states the objectives of the system and the expected outcomes, which are linked to the strategy.
Mark indication: 2.5 The introduction/background outlines details about the company, as well as the strategy, vision, mission, values and goals. The background covers most important areas but lacks detail. The RFP clearly states the objectives of the system and the expected outcomes, which are linked to the strategy.
Mark indication: 2 The introduction/background does not provide enough details about the company. The vision, mission, goals, and values of the company is not clear for a vendor. The project details, objectives, and expected outcomes are not well defined.
Mark indication: 0-1
Project Specification
(8 marks) Functional and non-functional requirements are clearly, precisely, and completely mentioned. The RFP indicates the priority of the requirements with no errors or unreasonable assumptions. All of the possible demands and requirements to manage capacity and integrate systems are appropriate and clearly explained.
Mark indication: 8 Functional and non-functional requirements are clearly and completely mentioned. The RFP indicates the priority of the requirements with a few errors but no unreasonable assumptions. All of the possible demands to manage capacity and integrate systems are appropriate and clearly explained.
Mark indication: 6.5 Most of the functional and non-functional requirements are mentioned. The RFP indicates the priority of the requirements with some errors but no unreasonable assumptions. The demands to manage capacity and integrate systems are appropriate and clearly explained.
Mark indication: 5 Some of the functional and non-functional requirements are mentioned. The RFP indicates the priority of the requirements with some errors and/or unreasonable assumptions. The demands to manage capacity and integrate systems are discussed.
Mark indication: 4 Either functional or non-functional requirements are incomplete, unclear, or missing; or capacity planning is incomplete, unclear, or not mentioned; or how the new system will be integrated is incomplete, not clear, or missing.
Mark indication: 0-3
Collaboration Details & Budget
(8 marks) The collaboration approach is clearly and precisely mentioned. Details of the collaboration are well explained. The responsibilities of stakeholders are mentioned with no errors or unreasonable assumptions. Schedule and budget information is provided.
Mark indication: 8 The collaboration approach is clearly mentioned. Details of the collaboration are explained. The responsibilities of stakeholders are mentioned with a few errors but no unreasonable assumptions. Schedule and budget information is provided.
Mark indication: 6.5 The collaboration approach is mentioned. The responsibilities of stakeholders are mentioned with some errors but no unreasonable assumptions. Schedule and budget information is provided.
Mark indication: 5 The collaboration approach is mentioned but some details are missing. The responsibilities of stakeholders are mentioned with some errors and/or unreasonable assumptions. Schedule and budget information is provided.
Mark indication: 4 Either the collaboration approach is incomplete, unclear, or missing; or the schedule and budget information is incomplete, unclear, or missing.
Mark indication: 0-3
Evaluation & Submission
(8 marks) Comprehensive evaluation criteria are provided, which are precise, complete, clear, practical, and rational. The submission direction is mentioned and clear.
Mark indication: 8 Evaluation criteria are provided, which are complete, clear, practical, and rational. The submission direction is mentioned and clear.
Mark indication: 6.5 Evaluation criteria are provided.
Few criteria are not practical, or they are not feasible/rational. The submission direction is mentioned.
Mark indication: 5 Evaluation criteria are provided but lacking some important aspects. Some criteria are not practical, or they are not feasible/rational. The submission direction is mentioned.
Mark indication: 4 Either the evaluation criteria are incomplete, missing, or incorrect, lacking important criteria, and/or poorly explained, or submission direction is not mentioned or lacks important details.
Mark indication: 0-3
Written Presentation & Teamwork
(2 marks) Assignment is cohesively written in a very clear format. Very few grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Your in-text citations and reference list are all present and correctly formatted in APA style. Excellent ability to work as a team in an outstanding manner.
Mark indication: 2 Very good ability to prepare tasks evident in the team work meeting agenda and meeting minutes, which reflects the team’s ability to work effectively as a group to reach interesting outcomes. Very good ability to work very well as a team.
Mark indication: 1.5 Assignment is mostly in a clear format. Some grammatical, spelling and/or punctuation errors, but they do not interfere with the overall meaning. Your in-text citations and reference list are all present and formatted in APA style, with few minor errors. Good ability to work well as a team.
Mark indication: 1.5 Assignment is somewhat clear. There are some grammatical, spelling and/or punctuation errors that somewhat interfere with the overall meaning. Your in-text citations and reference list are all present and formatted in APA style, with some errors. The ability to work as a team is appropriate.
Mark indication: 1 Assignment is unclear. There are numerous errors in grammar, spelling and/or punctuation that interfere with the overall meaning. Your in-text citations and reference list is missing some entries and/or has some significant errors. The ability to work as a team is insufficient.
Mark indication: 0-0.5

Editable Microsoft Word Document
Word Count: 3184 words including References

Note: It is based on previous work

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