Recent Question/Assignment

Microservices Architecture
Learning Outcomes
a) The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
b) Discuss core concepts of microservices architecture within a context of a business case study and summarise the advantages and disadvantages of adopting microservices architecture.
c) Communicate the benefits of microservices architecture to a diverse stakeholder audience by addressing complex business needs and aligning strategies to business priorities defined by changing business requirements
d) Analyse and evaluate moral and ethical considerations in specific security and privacy issues while transitioning to new technologies.
Length 1500 words Proposal +/- 10%
Assessment Task
This proposal should be approximately 1500 words (+/- 10%) excluding cover page, references and appendix. This proposal must be typed and clearly set out (presented professionally). You need to pay special attention to principles and key concepts of Microservices Architecture (MSA), service design and DevOps. The purpose of this assessment is to give you an opportunity to contextualise and convey to learning facilitator relevant knowledge based on “real-world” application. Particularly, the aim of this assessment is to enhance your employability skills through providing hands-on education and opportunities to practice real life experience. As a result, this assessment item is developed not only to evaluate your understanding of MSA application, but also to assist you practicing and improving your research skills. In doing so, this assessment will formatively develop the knowledge required for you to complete Assessment 3 successfully.
MSA have been getting more and more popular over the last year, and several organisations are migrating monolithic applications to MSA. A MSA consists of a collection of small, autonomous services that each service is a separate codebase, which can be managed by a small development team. A team can update an existing service without rebuilding and redeploying the entire application. Services are responsible for persisting their own data or external state. This differs from the traditional model, where a separate data layer handles data persistence.
More recently, with the development of cloud computing, new ways of software development have evolved with MSA recognised as a cloud-native software development approach. As a professional, your role will require that you understand the principles of software development, especially in the field of cloud-based platforms, which are rapidly becoming the preferred hosting solution for many organisations. Having a working understanding of these concepts will enable you to fulfil many roles and functions and be informed as to what factors influence decision making when software development architecture has been selected. Whilst you may not be a developer, it will enable you to have meaningful conversations about the principles of MSA and why certain decisions may be made in a certain way. This will support you to manage the bridge between IT and the business.
You are expected to address the following steps to fulfil this assessment task:
1. From the list below, select an organisation that you are familiar with and / or have enough data and information. Here are list of organisations using microservices:
o Comcast Cable
o Uber
o Hailo
o Netflix
o Zalando
o Amazon
o Twitter
o PayPal
o Ebay
o Sound Cloud
o Groupon
o Gilt
2. Discuss how MSA has transformed or revolutionised the operations of the organisation. Identify and analyse at least three business or organisational reasons for justifying your discussion.
3. Develop a business proposal to introduce the selected organisation, justify why you choose it and why microservices is the best architecture in the selected organisation.
The report should consist of the following structure:
A title page with subject code and name, assignment title, student’s name, student number, and lecturer’s name.
The introduction (200–250 words) that will also serve as your statement of purpose for the proposal— this means that you will tell the reader what you are going to cover in your proposal. You will need to inform the reader of:
a) Your area of research and its context
b) The key elements you will be addressing
c) What the reader can expect to find in the body of the report MBIS603_Assessment_2_Brief_ Business Proposal Page 3 of 6
The body of the report (1000–1100 words) you are required to research and write a proposal focused on organisation using MSA as a software development philosophy. However, you are strongly advised to do some research regarding MSA in a “real-world” application.
The conclusion (200–250 words) will summarise any findings or recommendations that the report puts forward regarding the concepts covered in the report
Assessment Rubric
Visual appeal and presentation of content
Title page included. Adheres to the font, spacing, format, and word count requirement. Appropriate use of paragraphs, sentence construction, spelling, and grammar. 20% grades
Knowledge and understanding
Select the right organisation, discuss how MSA has transformed the operations.
Identify and analyse of at least three business or organisational reasons for justifying your discussions, understanding of the key concepts of MSA and justify them. 50% grades
Use of academic and discipline conventions
Formal tone. No use of first-party perspective. Meets the assignment brief regarding introduction, body, and conclusion. Appropriate use of credible resources.
Correct citation of key resources using APA style of referencing. 30% grades

Editable Microsoft Word Document
Word Count: 1954 words including References

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