Recent Question/Assignment

For Part 2 (the video) if you can please write it on paper. no need to make a video. Thank you
¦ Your script will be marked on a standard Linux installation using the bash shell.
¦ Refrain from using non core commands, tools and utilities in your bash shell scripts. Non-standard bash commands, tools and utilities will not be downloaded and installed by your tutor.
¦ Ensure each script you write is fully self-contained and is not configured to be dependent on external files, libraries or resources to run.
¦ Do not use the trap command in any of your scripts.
¦ Each script you submit must contain your full name and student number at the beginning as code comments.
Assignment Description
Having completed your two main portfolio activities, you are now required to further develop your shell scripting skills by developing a script that automates a task commonly performed by Linux administrators -the analysts of server access logs to identify and report upon suspicious activity.
To develop and test your script, you have been provided with a set of five (S) server access logs in a zip folder named
Please note: Your tutor will run your script in the same folder os the server access logs located on his/her computer, so you do not have to prompt the user for their location.
Each server access log contains 500 records organised into the following columns:

SRC IP Various codes
SRC PORT Port from which incoming packets have been sent
DEST IP Various codes
DEST PORT Port to which incoming packets have been sent
PACKETS Number of packets sent in a transfer
BYTES Size of packets sent in a transfer
Not required for the assignment

CLASS suspicious or normal
Please note: Fields in grey will not be used in the assignment.
Part 1 - Write the Code (Shell Script, 30 marks)
Basic Functional Requirements (10 marks)
Your server access log must provide the user with all the following functionality:
1. Run a search on one (1) server access log of the users choosing based on one (1) field criteria input, also of the users choosing, e.g. PROTOCOL- TCP
2. The results of each search the user conducts are to be displayed to the terminal and also exported to a .csv file with a name of the users choosing. Each results file created must be uniquely named so that the results files of previous searches are not overwritten
3. Any log file records in which the CLASS field is set to normal are to be automatically excluded from the search results printed to the screen/written to file
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4. When the PACKETS and/or BYTES fields are selected by the user as search criteria, the user should be able to choose greater than (-gt), less than (-It), equal to (-eq) or not equal to !(-eq) the specific value they provide, e.g. find all matches where PACKETS *10
5. When the SRC IP or DEST IP fields are used as search criteria, the user should only need provide a partial search string rather than a complete value, e.g. search using the partial string EXT rather than the exact value EXT_SERVER
Advanced Functional Requirements (10 marks)
Implement two (2) of the following advanced functionalities:
1. Enable the log tool script to run searches on a single server access log of the users choice using both two (2) and three (3) field criteria inputs, e.g. find all matches where PROTOCOL- TCP and SRC IP-ext’ and PACKETS 10
2. Enable the log tool script to run searches on all available server access logs based on one (1) field criteria input, e.g., find all matches where PROTOCOL- TCP in all available log files
3. When the PACKETS and/or BYTES fields are used as search criteria, totals for each of these should also be calculated and displayed as the final row of the search results printed to terminal/file
Note: Please ensure that the enhanced functionalities you choose to implement are clearly identified in your code (using comments) and clearly addressed in your video demonstration.
Usability, Reliability and Efficiency Requirements (10 marks)
1. All string-based searches should be case insensitive.
2. The results of any search are to be printed to terminal/file in a columnar format, uniformly aligned and spaced.
3. All user inputs are to be fully validated and sanitised as required to ensure the correct execution of subsequent code.
4. The script is to display a high level of abstraction,.i.e., the hard-coding of values is to be avoided.
5. The efficiency of your code will also be considered, hence the degree of thought you apply to the selection of and interaction between shell script elements such as logical tests, control structures (if-elif-fi, loops, arrays), functions, command substitution, regular expressions, piping, redirection and utilities, e.g. awk, is important.
6. The user must be able to conduct as many search operations as they wish without the script terminating. Hence, the script must continue to run until the user specifically chooses to terminate it via a menu option.
7. All menus, options and prompts are to be easily understood and require minimal input from the user in response.
8. Sound code structure and full commenting will be examined by your tutor and factor into your grartr
Part 2 - Explain Your Work (Video, 10 Marks)
Required Video Elements
Record a video using Panopto that fulfills the following criteria:
? Begin with you appearing on-screen displaying your Student ID card and verbally stating your full name and student number
? A full run-through of your code demonstrating Basic Functional Requirements 1 through 5 in action
? A full run-through of your code demonstrating the two (2) Advanced Functional Requirements in action you chose to implement
? Explain how you have addressed Usability, Reliability and Efficiency Requirements 1 through 8, pointing to specific exampte(s) in the code and code output in each case.
? Change one element of code, e.g., such as a message displayed when invalid input is provided and then re-run the code to show the change in action.

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