Recent Question/Assignment

Assessment 2 - Using Evidence to Support Nursing Practice
Evidence to Inform Nursing Practice
Assessment 2 – Using Evidence to Support Nursing Practice
Type: Written Assessment
Due date: Week 10 Friday (September 24 2021) 5:00 pm AEST
Weighting: 30%
Length: 1000 words
Term Specific requirements: Learning outcomes 1 and 4 are assessed only in Assessment 2. To achieve a passing grade for the unit, you are required to pass assessment 2. If you do not pass the required assessment items, you will have an opportunity to reattempt. If you are required to reattempt you can only achieve a maximum of 50% of the available marks for the reattempted assessment.
Unit Coordinators: Dr Sandra Walker
Learning Outcomes Assessed
1. Analyse the purpose of evidence in nursing practice and why nursing clinical decision making should be based on the best available evidence.
3. Apply a systematic approach to locating evidence to address a specific clinical situation.
4. Employ Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and critical thinking skills to make decisions in a specific clinical context.
The aim of the assessment is to apply research evidence to a clinical nursing problem. The learning for this assignment will take place in Weeks 6 to 11. During this time, you will learn how to appraise research evidence, why this is important, and the value of reflection to your nursing practice.
This assessment consists of three tasks related to the case study below:
Case Study
Your RN buddy is impressed with the information you have collected on temperature measurement via tympanic and non-contact infrared routes. Your RN buddy tells you that the COVID 19 clinic where you are undertaking your clinical placement does not have up-to-date policies on the best method to use when screening for body temperature in adults and children and asks you to assist the nursing staff develop evidence-based recommendations that can be incorporated into the clinic’s policy.
Please note: Evidence sources should be no older than 5 years.
Please follow the steps below to complete the assessment task.
Requirements for Task 1
Preparation for the written task: Locate at least one relevant clinical practice guideline, two reputable websites and a selection of credible journal articles related to the clinical problem: Temperature Management. To determine the best resources available for this clinical problem, first select and complete appropriate evidence appraisal tools found in week 7 on the NURS12165 Moodle site. To demonstrate this process add at least three completed appraisal tools as the appendix. Finally, select the best evidence by analysing the appraisal tools. This analysis should focus on the usefulness of the evidence in addressing the clinical nursing problem: Temperature Management.
Step 1.1 Written task (600 words): Identify and summarise three themes from your analysis of one clinical practice guideline, two reputable websites and a selection of credible journal articles related to the clinical problem: Temperature Management. Relate these summaries to the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards. Use the note-taking template to document your summaries, and use the writing template to structure your assignment.
Step 1.2 Appendix: In an appendix include at least three appraisal tools which show your analysis of the evidence.
Requirements for Task 2 (400 words) You are to write recommendations that align with the best available evidence. Please follow the steps below to complete assessment task 2.
Step 2.1 Provide 3 to 4 clear evidence-based recommendations that align with the best available evidence. These recommendations should be are able to be incorporated into ward policies.
Step 2.2 Justify each of your recommendations with intext citations to demonstrate that clinical decision making in nursing is based on the best available evidence.
Please ensure your assignment is double spaced and you use 12-point Times New Roman font.
Please upload your assignment by the due date using the Assessment 2 link available on the NURS12165 Moodle site.
Please access the Assessment 2 resources and template available below.
Use the seventh edition American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style. The CQUniversity Academic Learning Centre has an online APA Referencing Style Guide.
We recommend that you access your discipline specific library guide and the Nursing Resource Guide.
For information on academic communication please go to the Academic Learning Centre Moodle site. The Academic Communication Moodle page has many helpful resources including information for students with English as a second language.
ALC online submission is available for students who are studying their first 8 units. You might want to get feedback on your draft assessment via the Academic Learning Centre (ALC). Please allow for three working days for your assessment to be returned. Draft Review
Submit a draft before the due date to review your Turnitin Similarity Score before making a final submission. Instructions are available here.

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