Recent Question/Assignment

Week 8 & 9 — Health Economic Evaluation
Question 4
4. Develop a proposal for an economic evaluation of a health intervention (treatment or screening program) of your choice.
a. Who is the Population targeted?
b. Describe the Intervention in detail.
c. Describe the Comparator in detail.
d. What is the perspective of the analysis?
e. What is the appropriate time frame?
f. Which health outcomes would you measure and how?
g. Which intervention-related resources and downstream resources would you measure?
h. Propose how the results of the economic evaluation could be used to inform policy decisions.
Suggested reading:
^ Gray, AM and Clarke, PM. Applied Methods of Cost-effectiveness Analysis in Healthcare. 2010. US: Oxford University Press
You may not use the example paper currently available in iLearn which is:
Cost-Effectiveness of a Nonpharmacological Intervention in Pediatric Burn Care
Nadia J. Brown, BAppSC(OT), MAppSc(OT), PhDi.,*, Michael David, MEd, MEpi, MSc, PhD2,3 Leila Cuttle, BSc(Hons), PhD1,4 , Roy M. Kimble, MD (Res), MBChB, FRCS, FRACS1., Sylvia Rodger, BOccThy,MEdSt, PhD5 , Hideki Higashi, BA, MPH, MSc(HlthEcon), PhD

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