Recent Question/Assignment

Task Description
NURS13137 Assessment Two – Written Assessment
The Australian National Health Priority Areas (NHPA) highlight areas where primary health care is essential for improving health outcomes in the future. You have covered these in Module 3. This information needs to find its way to those who need it most and the general population as a whole. This information can be presented as an educational activity by the nurse.
For this assessment you will plan and develop an educational activity based around the NHPA of diabetes mellitus.
You are NOT required to present your educational activity for this assessment.
This activity needs to reflect the nursing process and in particular, the Clinical Reasoning Cycle. The information needs to be evidence based and directed to your target audience. There is a link to the Clinical Reasoning Cycle on the Moodle site.
You are expected to cite the Clinical Reasoning Cycle as a primary source – not from the Moodle site.
Once you have researched the topic, you will need to outline how this educational session will be delivered including information such about why, how, where, what and when. You should also consider and include aspects such as: How will you organise your audience to be present? Do you need to think about any additional resources to deliver the activity? How will this activity be funded? Does it require funding?
REMEMBER: This is a PRIMARY HEALTH educational activity. Keep it relevant to your target audience.
When writing an educational activity, it may be necessary to use consumer information sites. Keep these to a minimum in terms of your referencing and use primary sources wherever you can. You must reference as per the APA Referencing Guide. There is a link to this on the Moodle site.
If you are using handouts or resources, you may choose to add these to your plan for clarity. Add these items as appendices and reference accordingly. Do not add links to other sites, these will not be accessed or graded. If you have concerns or questions regarding the inclusion details for the plan for the educational activity, address these to the Moodle site discussion forum for Assessment 2 in the first instance.
Please note the following details:
• Word limit is 1500 words (+/- 10%). Appendices are not included in the word count.
• Text should be word processed, with appropriate formatting, size 12 font, double line spacing and layout – please refer to the marking criteria for more detail.
• You may use headings if preferred.
• You must write in academic style, be mindful of casual language, grammar and punctuation and sentence structure.
• You can choose to add diagrams although, these are not required.
• If you choose to add a diagram, please add it as an appendix and ensure it is appropriately referenced. This will not be included in your word count.
• Save and upload your file as a Word document so it can be marked.
• You must reference your assessment as per the APA referencing style guidelines.
• The required number of references for this assignment is ten (10). You may use more references if you feel this is necessary. Keep the number of consumer information sites to a minimum and focus on obtaining primary resources. This number includes the Clinical Reasoning Cycles which must be referenced as a primary source – not from the Moodle site.
• If you have any questions please address these to the Moodle site discussion forum for Assessment 2 in the first instance.
Assessment Due Date Friday (20-Jan-2017) 11:45 PM AEST
Return Date to Students Exam Week Friday (17-Feb-2017)
Weighting 60%
NURS13137 is a graded unit: your overall grade will be calculated from the marks or grades for each assessment task, based on the relative weightings shown in the table above. You must obtain an overall mark for the unit of at least 50%, or an overall grade of 'pass' in order to pass the unit.
If you are having problems, make contact with the course coordinator BEFORE the due date. If you submit your essay late, without an approved extension request, will be penalised 5% per working day that it is late.
If you have any questions regarding this assessment item, please address your questions in the first instance to Moodle site discussion forum for Assessment 2. If it is of a personal nature, then please contact your course coordinator directly.

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