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Part 3. Develop options for continuous improvement – analysis
3 Task Description
@Task 1
a) Select one idea from Part 2, task 2 b & c and for each idea conduct:
i. Cost benefit analysis, and
ii. Risk analysis
b) Decide which idea you would trial on the basis of your analyses. Explain your reasons.
c) Prepare a document to seek approval to conduct trial of this new idea. (If you are conducting this activity in the classroom, your trainer could represent senior management)
Benchmark Criteria:
Student responses should incorporate:
• Report to the Board on the cost benefit and risk analysis on the selected proposals.
• Report on the final proposal and how it is to be instigated.
Part 3. Checklist
Before you hand in these assessment tasks, use the checklist below to make sure you have completed all the tasks and have included all relevant information.
? Conducted a cost benefit analysis
? Conducted a risk analysis
? Explained selection of idea to proceed with
? Prepared a document for approval to proceed to trial

Part 4. Implement innovative processes
3 Task Description
@Task 1
a) Prepare an action plan for implementation of the innovative idea analysed in part 3. This plan should include the following:
• Objectives, timeframes and measures
• Communication plans
• Strategies to promote continuous improvement on an ongoing basis
• Transition plans – including communication and education strategies
• Contingency plans in the event of non performance
b) Describe how you will monitor, evaluate and modify the activities and interventions you have included in your action plan in the event of non performance or failure or to continuously improve your ideas.
c) Explain how you will promote continuous improvement and communicate costs and benefits of innovations and improvements to all relevant groups and individuals
Benchmark Criteria:
Student responses are to incorporate:
• Report to the Board on the proposed action plan that will outline the processes in monitoring, evaluating and adjusting the action plan.
• Report that explains the communication process and the processes that will lead to continuous improvement.
Part 4. Checklist
Before you hand in these assessment tasks, use the checklist below to make sure you have completed all the tasks and have included all relevant information.
? Prepared an action plan
? Described the process of monitoring, evaluating and modifying the action plan
? Explained communication process
? Explained the process of promotion of continuous improvement across the organisation
Hint Sheet:
Part 3:
Task 1:
d) Select one idea from Part 2, task 2 b & c and for each idea, conduct:
iii. cost benefit analysis, and
iv. risk analysis
• Tangible Benefits:
• Intangible Benefits:
• Tangible Costs:
• Cost Benefit Analysis Worksheet
• Risks and risk management
e) Decide which idea you would trial on the basis of your analyses. Explain your reasons.
Benefits of selecting above idea
f) Prepare a document to seek approval to conduct trial of this new idea.
Approval document
Part 4:
d) Prepare an action plan for implementation of the innovative idea analysed in part 3. This plan should include the following:
• Objectives, timeframes and measures
• Communication plans
• Strategies to promote continuous improvement on an ongoing basis
• Transition plans – include communication and training strategies
• Contingency plans in the event of non performance
1. Security and backup, testing,updating
e) Describe how you will monitor, evaluate and modify the activities and interventions you have included in your action plan in the event of non performance or failure or to continuously improve your ideas.
2. Security and backup, testing, updating
f) Explain how you will promote continuous improvement and communicate costs and benefits of innovations and improvements to all relevant groups and individuals
3. Internal communication strategies
4. Specialised staff
5. Training