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Assessment 1 - Philosophy of Teaching and Learning -1000 words Purpose:
Articulate your educational philosophy and understand how this influences your teaching and learning practice.
This can be supported with theories explored in this subject to understand how this influences your approaches to teaching and learning approaches.
Required Length: 1000 words
Marks Allocated: This Assessment will contribute 20% to your overall grade.
Task A Educational Philosophy (approx 500 words): Articulate your philosophy of teaching and learning that is informed by key educational theories explored in weeks 1 & 2. You may include other relevant educational theories that are not part of this subject.
Task B Philosophy Impact (approx 500 words): Explain ho’ your philosophy influences and informs your educational practice: past, present and future. It may be helpful review x your teaching and learning experience posted in week 1. You may consider including exemplar(s) to support your discussion and these can be included in the body of your assessment or attached as an appendix.
This a 'reflective practice' focused assignment and you may wish to use the first person.
We suggest citing key authors in education theory and/or practice. It is expected that no more than 6 references are required for this exercise.
Referencing: All tasks require support with appropriate and current literature. APA 7 style of referencing for all your citations.
Submission: Submit tasks A & B as one document in P' •_ Word doc via Turnitin. •—