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Chosen topic for presentation is: “Job satisfaction and employee turnover” and the article is“Organization specific predictors of job satisfaction: findings from a Canadian multi-site quality of work life cross-sectional survey”. Below is the link to the journal article, which is approved by the professor(so use this journal article only)which you need to summarize and make presentation along with 10 min speaking content and 6 slides.
Organization specific predictors of job satisfaction: findings from a Canadian multi-site quality of work life cross-sectional survey | BMC Health Services Research | Full Text (
You will summarize the content including how the research was completed, the findings, and how this research might influence healthcare leadership in Canada. The information that you have summarized will be provided to the class in a 10-minute presentation, using a maximum of 6 slides. Slide 5 must be a summary of the Key Points in your presentation and slide 6 can be used as your reference slide. Students will be graded on the quality and accuracy of the summary created and provided in class. Students will prepare a reference list for each topic covered. The topics and information from the presentations will be used to create content for the final exam.
Submission: Each student will submit a maximum of 6 slides to this submission folder within one week of the assigned in-class presentation date.