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Assignment is overdue so would like it as soon as possible please. I will send extra readings and units to accompany assignment when i hear back from you. Thanks.

Programme Title: Honours Bachelor of Arts in Contemporary Disability Studies Academic Year: 2020/21
Module Title: Supporting Individualised Living and Alternative Services
Learner Group Code: L8MBACDS21OC
You are required to complete the following assessment for this module:
1. Essay (60%)
2. Case Study (35%)
3. Online Activities (5%)
Please refer to the rubric for details on how the assessment is marked.
Please ensure to read the Assessment Submission section of this document which details the submission requirements for this module. The Assessment Checklist is at the end of this document.
You can email your tutor at any point during your studies if you have any questions or queries. Your tutor will reply within 48 hours on week days. The tutorial date for this module will be posted in the News Forum on My Learning Centre. It is strongly encouraged that you use your tutorial support as you are working through your module. Your tutor’s email address is available in the News Forum.
The e-learning department will provide you with any technical support that you require throughout this module. You can contact the team at Please note that the E-learning Department will provide you with support around the technical elements of your study such as library access, using Google Drive and Google Docs, uploading assignments and accessing resources on MyOTC Learning Centre. Any questions relating to the content of your module and assignment or the academic side of your study needs to be directed to your tutor.
The assignment and Case Study must be submitted electronically as one document. To do this, you need to create and complete your assignment in Google Docs (please refer to your Online Module for instructions).
Once your assignment and case study are completed, you need to upload it to Please note you only need to upload your introduction, main body and conclusion to as there is a limit on the file size you can upload.
Then, you need to share your document with
Please ensure that you follow the College’s assignment naming scheme:
Surname, First Name, Module, Learner Group Code.
This refers to the file name in the top left corner of the document, this is not the header. You can find your Learner Group Code on top of the previous page (below the module title).
Your submission is complete when you have shared your completed assignment with, before the submission date – 12.00 on Monday 7 June 2021. Assignments not named correctly will not be accepted by the Assessment Department and you will be required to resubmit which may incur a late submission penalty (see Student Handbook for further detail on penalties).
Please also note that once you submit your assignment, no changes will be accepted after the submission date. Late submissions will require an approved extension or else they might incur a late submission penalty.
Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that you name and submit your assignment correctly.
ESSAY (60%):
Critically evaluate the capacity of the agency you work for to deliver, manage and maintain individualised services to the people who use the service taking account of both the internal attributes of the agency and the legislative, policy and administrative environment within which it operates.
Word count: 2,500 words
In this case study you are required to develop an individualised plan for one person you support or have supported or who you know. You are not required to undertake Discovery or Individualised Service Design in real time. You are required to use the material outlined in Units 2 and 3 to undertake an imaginary Discovery and ISD process. In your case study use the principles of Social Role Valorisation in developing the individual plan.
The steps involved are:
1. Complete a profile of the person having undertaken Discovery. This includes the person’s gifts, capacities, resources and roles and the person’s vulnerabilities and possible safeguards in all/any of the domains covered in Discovery.
2. Suggest who would be members of the person’s Circle of Support and why, and who would facilitate the Circle.
3. Outline the person’s most important goals and the steps to move towards their goals.
4. Describe the features of good support for the person in all/any of the domains covered in Discovery.
Word count: 2,000 words
With your peers, explore the following topic:
The move towards individualised services and individualised budgets, while bringing many benefits for people with disabilities, presents challenges for social care workers. Identify these challenges and offer recommendations/possible solutions in your discussion.
You must address the following requirements in your discussion: ? Post a 150-word view and respond to at least 3 postings from your peers.
? Support your discussions with key references from relevant sources.
Credit will be given to those that engage fully with the online discussion process and whose actions build a successful community of learning on this topic.

Module Title: Supporting Individualised Living and Alternative Services
Assessment Method Task completed
Cover Page and Declaration of Own Work present
Have you completed your assessment as a Google Document on Google Drive?
Have you named your document correctly?
Surname, First Name, Module, Learner Group Code
Have you uploaded your assessment to Turnitin?
Have you submitted your assignment by sharing it with one email address only:
Have you posted a 150-word review?
Have you responded to at least 3 postings from your peers?
Submission date for this assignment is 12.00 on Monday 7 June 2021.