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Assessment 1 Information
Subject Code: MBA602
Subject Name: Small Business Administration
Assessment Title: Assessment 1: Individual Video Presentation
Weighting: 30%
Total Marks: 30
Time Limit: 10 minutes
Submission: Video and PPT via MyKBS
Due Date Monday 23:55pm (AEST), Week 5
This Assessment Task will address the following Learning Outcomes:
LO1: Evaluate the skills required to manage the ongoing demands associated with small business proprietorship
LO2: Analyse small business management decision making and strategies for success
Assessment Description
Each student is to submit a 10-minute video presentation covering the following questions.
• What is the difference between an entrepreneur and a small business owner? Which one are you or do you think you are? Why?
• What skills are required to manage the on-going demands associated with running a small business? Which ones do you have? What are your skill gaps? What must you do to fill those gaps in order for you to have a successful business?
• What is your passion? Do you think you could turn that 'passion' into a successful small business? Why or why not? Justify your answer using marketing research including trends locally, nationally, and globally depending on your vision and mission.
• Research a small business owner or entrepreneur that you admire or aspire to be. State why you chose this person. Analyse his/her significant business decisions in their business journey; these can include those turning points in the business. For example, during COVID-19, many small businesses had to quickly ‘pivot’ to retain their business due to the restrictions. In this example, discuss what were some key strategies that helped them survive during that period. For others, note their small business success stories and identify what led to his/her success as well as what strategies helped overcome any key challenges.
• It is important that you also cite references in your presentation reflecting on topics discussed in class.
For the slides:
• When you record your presentation, you also must turn on the video so you can be seen in the presentation.
• You are encouraged to be creative with your slide presentation. Try not to use too many words on the slide. Remember – “A picture says a thousand words”. Use appropriate pictures / photos that support your talk.
• You should not have more than 10 slides. For example:
Slide 1: Cover slide
Slide 2: Background of yourself
Slide 3: Entrepreneur vs Small Business Owner
Slide 4: Skills
Slide 5: Passion / Business Idea
Slide 6: Owner / Entrepreneur you admire and why
Slide 7: Owner / Entrepreneur business journey / turning point(s) / strategies
Slide 8: Owner / Entrepreneur business journey / strategies
Slide 9: Final slide / closing
Slide 10: References (minimum 6)
• Submit your video through the video link provided on MyKBS Assessment table
• Submit your PPTs through the Drop Box link provided on MyKBS Assessment table
Grading Scale
This assessment will be marked using the attached rubric.
Important Study Information
Academic Integrity Policy
KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy.
For details on academic integrity policies and penalties, the reassessment process, and the appeals process, please refer to
Word Limits for Written Assessments
Submissions that exceed the word count / time limit / slide count by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point at which that limit is exceeded.
Study Assistance
Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Success Centre representative or refer to the study help on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. You can find this by clicking on the top page toolbar:
My Services Academic Success Centre Study Support Resources
Criteria F (Fail)
0%-49% P (Pass) 50%-64% CR (Credit) 65%-74% D (Distinction)
75% - 84%
HD (High Distinction)
Self-Reflection (10)
• Included personal background
• Entrepreneur vs Small business owner
• Skills
• Passion / business Answered some of the areas with poor or nil explanations and personal insights. Very little depth on skills and skill gaps. Strategies were weak regarding how to fill those gaps in order to have a successful business. Passion was not identified nor discussed.
Answered the three areas with little explanation. Personal insights lacked depth. Skills and skill gaps discussion lacked depth. Strategies needed to be much stronger regarding how to fill those gaps in order to have a successful business. Identified passion but needed a much stronger explanation on how it could be turned into a successful business. Answered all three areas with average explanations and personal insights. Needed more depth in the discussion on skills and skill gaps. Strategies were clear regarding how to fill those gaps in order to have a successful business. Identified passion with a clear explanation on how it could be turned into a successful business.
Answered all three areas completely with clear explanations and personal insights. Clear on skills and skill gaps along with specific strategies how to fill those gaps in order to have a successful business. Identified passion and explained if it could be turned into a successful business.
Answered all three areas completely with specific explanations and personal insights. Excellent reflective discussion on skills and skill gaps along with solid strategies on how to fill those gaps in order to have a successful business. Identified passion and clearly explained how it could be turned into a successful business.
Business Success
Strategies (10)
Did not identify or vaguely identified
small business owner / entrepreneur. Nil or very little analysis of the person’s business decisions. Nil or very few key strategies explained regarding the person’s success. Identified small business owner / entrepreneur though there needed to be more explanation as to why the person was one of inspiration. Analysis of the person’s business decisions needed more depth as well as the key strategies towards his/her success. Identified small business owner / entrepreneur and briefly explained why the person is one of inspiration. Good analysis of the person’s business decisions but could have had more depth. Good explanation of key strategies towards his/her success. Clearly identified small business owner / entrepreneur and gave clear explanation as to why the person is one of inspiration. Very good analysis of the person’s business decisions. Very good explanation of key strategies towards his/her success. Clearly identified small business owner / entrepreneur and thoroughly explained why the person is one of inspiration. Excellent and thorough analysis of the person’s business decisions. Clearly identified and discussed the key strategies towards his/her success.
Use of visual aids (5) Presents content with no
PowerPoint or overhead slides. Presenter uses basic visual aids with little creativity. Text is too dense – too much information on the slide. Presenter uses visual aids but often differs from verbal presentation. Not
summarised so presenter ends up reading off board. Text clearly summarises the key points. Graphics and text do not distract attention from the speaker or content. Use of visual aids consistent across entire presentation. Graphics and text well integrated into presentation. Text is appropriate for the content. Visual presentation complements rather than dominates presentation.
Non-Verbal and Verbal
Delivery (5) Presenter reads notes the entire time. Distracting gestures (fidgeting) while presenting.
Excessive use of filler words (e.g. um, er, ah, like). Use of offensive language. Use of slang. Presenter speaks in muffled voice. Some use of ‘filler words’. Audience members would have difficulty understanding presentation. More confidence needed to be displayed while delivering the presentation. Voice is generally clear. Some reading off notes. Sometimes difficult to understand because of rushed speech. Presenter shows expression consistent with presentation. Uses gestures to point out or highlight presentation materials Voice is clear. Little use of filler words.
Acts in a professional manner. Presenter shows enthusiasm for their own work. Uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms so that all audience members would be able to understand presentation. Acts in a very professional manner.