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MAN1600 Information Systems for Business ON Semester 2, 2014
To be submitted: In Lab week beginning 13th October This can be done in groups of up to four students.
Assignment Tasks
All solutions must be saved in a single document and submitted in hard copy to your tutor with an assignment cover sheet and copy of Turnitin Originality Report during the lab of the week it is due and submit a copy via TurnitIn on Blackboard. See unit plan and end of this document for marking guide for each question (unless otherwise stated). Remember to talk to your tutor (or the lecturer) if you do not understand the question
If the assignment is done in a group then submit just one copy and include the student names and student numbers of all group members.
20 marks per question using the marking guide at the end of the document for each question (unless otherwise stated in the question). The assignment mark will be scaled to be out of 30%.
Note: Acronyms used in this document - BB (Blackboard), CE (Chapter Extension)
Task 1 (Module 2)
Readings: Text Book (Experiencing MIS), Chapter 2 pp 27 onwards, CE 2 & CE 3). (I would not expect the answer {excluding references and the question} to part 2 to be more than one A4 page long using 1.15 spacing and size 11 font)
Q1 Provide screen prints showing: a) the revision history of the ‘Collaboration’ document that you and your team (or partner) worked on in Google Docs for Lab 2 Q1 and b) one or more ‘revision history’ pages (see the Tutorial-lab 2 Google Docs Instruction Manual page 9) to show the version control elements of the document (i.e. what was changed and who changed it).
Note: your tutor will have to see evidence of the collaborators and their contributions (if you already have a Google account and it is not your ECU e-mail address, make sure you indicate under the screen print who the person is e.g. is Ms XYZ Student ID 1233456778).
Q2 Using the answers to Q2 of Module(week) 2 Lab, determine the following:
a) What type of information systems could be used in making the decisions (e.g. automated or augmentation IS or both; hint - also look at whether the decision is structured or unstructured to give you clues)
b) State why you think it can/should be used and provide an example of each (using information from the Internet or elsewhere) of the system software or application (state the name of the application, the vendor and provide the URL or the citation/reference): e.g. {Note: this is an example only, it is not a correct answer} – for the xxx decision in part b which is an operational decision, an augmentation IS could/should be used as the decision making process is structured because…... An example of an application that can be used is the Finance Planning module of Oracle
Financial Services software (
Task 2 (Module 3)
Readings: Text Book (Experiencing MIS), Chapter 3
Answer question 2 on page 63 of the textbook. It concerns a business called Red Balloon.
(I would not expect the answer {excluding references if any and the question} to be more than one A4 page long using 1.15 spacing and size 11 font)
Task 3 (Module 4)
Readings: Text Book (Experiencing MIS), Chapter 5, Module 4 lab material (Module 4 Lab Manual, ERD etc for guidance)
Q1 Using Module 4 Lab for guidance, create an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for the following scenario:
A student can enrol in up to 4 units. Student details include student number, name, address, email address and mobile number. An enrolled unit includes the unit number, date of enrolment, semester details, and unit result.
Note that the ERD is worth 5 marks
Your answer should show cardinalities and whether or not the relationship is mandatory/optional. Select suitable attributes for the entities remembering to have unique identifiers (primary keys). Link tables using foreign keys. Show the complete ERD (for entities you need to also indicate attributes [just the name of the headings, not the actual data] and primary/foreign key) in your assignment document. State any assumptions you make about business rules
Q2 This part of task 3 is worth 15 marks.
Using the Module 4 Lab Manual as a guide and Lab 4 work (you need to create your own tables and input your own data creating at least 4 records each for any ‘one’ table, and at least 12 records for any ‘many’ table) implement the ERD created in Q1 in MS Access. Do screen prints (when you have the proper screen in front of you, press the Print Screen button on your keyboard, go to where you want to put it in your assignment document and click ‘paste’) of the following and paste them in your assignment document :
• Each table in data sheet view (populated) and in design view (showing meta data) i.e. two screen prints for each table
• Create the relationships between the tables and implement referential integrity and show the screen print of the relationships from MS Access in your assignment document
• Create a Form to input (enter) or change details of students and enrolled units. Do a screen print of the Form in Form view and paste it in your assignment document.
• Create a query to show a list of all enrolled units for a particular student. Do screen prints of the query in design view and the result of the query and paste them in your assignment document.
• Create a report of a listing by student showing their names and all the details of their units. Do a screen print of the report and paste it in your assignment document.
When naming your attributes, they have to be meaningful & distinctive (e.g.
StudentName instead of only Name (in databases sometimes more than one entity will have similar attributes like and you need to differentiate which entity that attribute belongs to. Also, some words are ‘reserved’ or ‘system’ words e.g. Name, Number, Date and cannot be used on their own.
For data types, if it is a mixture of numbers & text, use ‘text’ data type.
Remember also that
- In order to ‘link’ tables (i.e. where the primary key of one table is a foreign key in another table), data types of both fields have to be the same and have the same field size (however the one exception is, If a primary key in the one table has the data type of ‘AutoNumber’ when you create the field in the many table, it will have a data type of ‘Number’)
- In linked tables, you need to create (and populate) the ‘one’ tables first before the ‘many’ tables i.e. you cannot add a field entry as a foreign key in a many table unless it exists as a primary key field entry in the one table first.
Task 4 (Module 6)
Readings: Text Book Chapter 7
Answer question 1 on page 218.
MAN1600 Information Systems for Business is a first year unit which is taught in the bachelor of Business course at Edith Cowan University. Lectures for the unit are delivered by the Unit Coordinator/Lecturer and tutorials/labs are delivered by four tutors, who will also mark the assignments. Every semester, the process for creating the unit plan, and tutorial/lab & assignment questions is as follows:
The unit coordinator/lecturer creates the assignment & lab/tutorial tasks and the unit plan. These are then e-mailed to the tutors in MS Word formats. The tutors will check them for editorial errors (spelling mistakes, wrong dates, etc.) and work through the tutorial/lab and assignment tasks to determine suitability in terms of time and level of difficulty. If there any errors/concerns they will be high-lighted in the documents and e-mailed to the lecturer/unit coordinator, who will then amend the documents. The whole process is repeated until there are no more errors or issues with the documents. The lecturer/unit coordinator will then send the unit plan for printing and put up copies of the unit plan and the tutorial/lab & assignment tasks on blackboard for the unit. The unit coordinator finds that this process is a little cumbersome as sometimes the amendments suggested/asked for by the tutors can be overlooked in the 4 copies of the document that come back from the tutors and the many versions of the amended documents that go between the lecturer/unit coordinator and tutors.
1. Model the process using BPMN notations showing swim lanes
2. How can the process be improved?
Task 5 (Module 7) 20 marks
Readings: Text Book (Experiencing MIS), Chapter 8; a selected academic journal article, the Library Help sheet provided
For this task, you are to choose one example of WEB 2.0 technology (e.g. any one of the following: Software as a Service [SaaS], Google Adwords, Google Adsense, Social Networking, User Generated Content (UGC), Crowdsourcing). Find one academic journal article and write an essay (minimum 1.5 pages, maximum 2 pages) about the article using the following as a guide (note: if you are not sure about the suitability of the article, speak to your tutor):
Introduction – What is Web 2.0 (also give the various technologies above and say in your own words what they mean e.g. Software as a Service (where companies.....), UGC (this is where....). Why you have selected that particular technology to research (e.g. related to the major you intend to do, it interests you, you use it, etc.)
The body of the essay will be a summary of the article in your own words (2 – 6 paragraphs). This would include things like the purpose of the article (or the research), how the data was gathered, what the authors found.
The conclusion of the essay will be your views on the article (do you agree with the authors – why or why not; do you think it is a good article)
Note: Proper referencing as per ECU guidelines is required.
(The answer {excluding references and the question} should be minimum 1.5 pages and maximum two pages (A4 size) using 1.15 spacing and size 11 font)
Each task will be marked out of a total of 20 (100 marks in all and scaled to 30) based on the following general criteria (please refer to your lecturer if you are not sure of what is expected of you):
Marking Guide
Style & Presentation:- Max possible:2 marks Is the answer well designed/structured? Is the layout professional and uncluttered? Are any diagrams etc. appropriate and clearly labelled and/or acknowledged? Mark Allocated: Comments:
Syntax & Grammar:- Max possible:3 marks
Are there spelling errors? Is the punctuation correct? Are the sentences and paragraphs/sections clearly understandable? Does the referencing (if applicable) conform to University standards? Are the sources up to date and relevant? (Not all information is on-line!) Have sufficient references been accessed (where applicable)?
Are the sources reputable? Mark Allocated: Comments:
Content/Synthesis:- Max possible:12 marks Mark Allocated:
Is the content correct and relevant? Is the work free from repetition and padding? Does it get to the point quickly? Can it be understood i.e. does it stand alone? If the information is drawn from several sources, is it coherent? This may be broken down to cover either different aspects or different parts of the answer Comments:
Discretionary Component:- Max possible:3 marks
The lecturer/tutor reserves the right to reward effort and excellence for those students who demonstrate an exceptional level of competence e.g. providing their own examples, their own reading and references other than those provided in the text/unit/readings, providing an alternative argument and supporting it Mark Allocated: Comments: