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Read the following instructions and make a report with all the requirements highlighted:
Case Scenario
Research an organization where you are currently working or wish to work for. Imagine the selected organization has been facing problems like poor communication, lack of vision, lack of accountability, negative growth etc and hence decided to recruit a new CEO. The management has advertised the position. For this task, students have to consider that they have applied for the job and have been called for an interview for the position of CEO. In this task, you are required to prepare a report on generating innovative thinking and creativity at your own workplace. Each organization’s thinking and practice will be different depending on its core business, purpose, size, complexity and broader operating context. You need to interact with relevant stakeholders and use a range of techniques and tools to generate innovative thinking and creativity. You have been asked by the company to prepare a report considering the following requirements and submit in the next meeting:
1. (a) Provide brief introduction of the business, its products and services.
(b) Current position and problems being faced by the business.
2. Explain the various techniques and tools to generate innovative ideas and new thinking for the business.
3. Using the identified techniques and tools, research, review and critically analyze the trends which are shaping organization’s current and future thinking and practice, including the key concepts, current theories and processes.
4. Evaluate the overall context for innovative and creative thinking at both the individual level and the collective level, including for the organisational context, and for the broader industry context.
5. Review and consider the different leadership styles suitable for innovative thinking and practice.
6. Review, challenge and refine your own style and practice in relation to modeling and supporting innovation. Document the review, including methods applied to refine your style and practice.
7. Identify, document and evaluate the risks associated with innovation within the organization, documenting control measures suitable to manage these risks.
8. Establish ways to capture communicate and share innovative ideas and practices within the organization.
9. Explain the approaches to initiate and foster communication, consultation and team development approaches that support innovation.
10. Explain and establish mechanisms at the system and the process level that can support innovation. ( word 1500)