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You are entitled to make a formal request for reconsideration of marks in cases where you believe your assessment work has not been marked in accordance with published marking criteria. This request can only be made when assessed work is returned, or during review/reconsideration. There is a strict process to follow refer to the Business Programmes Assessment and Study Handbook or the Law Programmes Assessment and Study Handbook for details. Note that, where assessments have been submitted electronically, you normally only have 48 hours from the time the graded assessment is made available on Blackboard to apply for reconsideration.
Exam schedule
Any exam schedules will be available on Blackboard Examinations tab.
Pass requirements
Students are expected to attempt every assessment event. In order to gain a pass in this paper you must obtain at least a C- (50%) grade overall in the paper.
Assessment event details
Assessment 1: Group Report
Due date Week 8, Friday 12:00pm
Weighting 25%
Type Report
Length 10 pages including references
Submission via Turnitin
Requirements You will be part of a group and as a group will prepare a report.
Due to Covid 19 there is an individual option available for students who are unable to be in class for example if you are still outside of NZ, or in quarantine at the start of the course. Individual option is by application to the lecturer. The individual option will focus be the same report as the group report, but will focus on fewer of the issues, as negotiated with the lecturer.
For this assignment, you will examine an industry or sector in which a large emerging market, such as China or India, is attempting to catch-up or surpass the global leaders in the industry, and how this is being achieved.
The level of analysis for this report is at the industry level.
Your analysis should consider:
1. The global dynamics of the industry/sector;
2. The underlying determinants of competitiveness in the industry/sector;
3. The competitive strategy of the home country government and emerging market multinational (EMNEs);
4. The learning processes of the EMNEs;
5. The competitive response of incumbent competitors;
6. Lessons for other sectors seeking to catch-up.
7. Whether leap-frogging is possible due to market shake-up
Unless discussed and agreed with me marks will be allocated equally to each group member
This assessment must follow the academic integrity guidelines stated in the
Business Programmes Assessment and Study Handbook or the Law Programmes Assessment and Study Handbook and use the required referencing style.
learning goals 1. Be self-aware, critically reflective and ethical international business professionals
2. Be effective thinkers and problem-solvers
3. Be effective communicators (written and oral)
Paper learning outcomes 1. Critically reflect on and discuss the changing nature of the world economy and its implications for international business activity.
2. Critically reflect on and discuss the contemporary structure of the world economy, particularly developed and emerging economies.
4. Critically reflect on and discuss the growth of externalised international business activity including outsourcing, offshoring, contract manufacturing and the rise of the global factory.
Assessment 2: Presentation
Due date Week 9, in class
Weighting 25%
Type Presentation
Length 10 minutes
Submission In class, supporting materials (ie PPT) via Turnitin
Requirements You will present an industry-focused review on a topic related to a strategic theme relevant to the future competitive advantage of an industry, as would be made at an industry conference or trade organisation event for example. The precise topic to be negotiated with your lecturer.
You will be expected to be able to answer questions from the audience. You may support your presentation with printed materials or powerpoint or similar.
The presentation is to be concise and 10 minutes in duration maximum.
This assessment must follow the academic integrity guidelines stated in the
Business Programmes Assessment and Study Handbook or the Law Programmes Assessment and Study Handbook and use the required referencing style.
learning goals 4. 5. Be effective thinkers and problem-solvers
Be effective communicators (written and oral)
Paper learning outcomes 3. Critically reflect on and discuss the changing nature of the world economy and its implications for international business activity.
4. Critically reflect on and discuss the contemporary structure of the world economy, particularly developed and emerging economies.
5. Critically reflect on and discuss the growth of externalised international business activity including outsourcing, offshoring, contract manufacturing and the rise of the global factory.