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Federation Business School
BUACC5934: Financial Accounting ASSIGNMENT
Contribution to overall assessment: 30%
In a folder called “Assignment Papers and Rio Tinto Report” on Moodle, you will find 8 papers that address various aspects of sustainability and environmental reporting. Rio Tinto’s 2018 sustainability development report is also uploaded in this folder.
Required (word limit 2000 words)
1. Critically review any six of the nine papers;
2. Critically discuss the 2018 Rio Tinto sustainable development report
Please note:
• A critical review requires you to summarise and evaluate each paper.
• To be critical does not mean to criticise in a negative way. It requires you to question the given information and view put forth by the author(s). It requires you to evaluate the issues raised in a paper.
• Evaluation means presenting the strengths and weaknesses of a paper.
• Overall, writing a critical review involves analysis and evaluation.
Additional Information:
Watch video and read text on how to think critically before starting your assignment:
Additionally, there is also a document uploaded on Moodle ‘writing a critical review’.
This is a group assignment. Each group needs to have 3 or 4 members in it. Please organise each other into groups. If you do not wish to work in a group please discuss this with your lecturer.
Further Additional Information
The following matters should be given particular attention:
1. Your assignment must be submitted no later than the Friday ending week 10 of the semester. Assessment tasks submitted after the due date, without prior approval or arrangement, will be penalised by ten percent. Requests for extension of time must be made with your lecturer and based on Special Consideration guidelines.
2. In your assignment use 12-pt times new roman font, use 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page and 1.5 line spacing.
3. Remember to reference your writing, as well as a bibliography at the end of the report.
4. This assignment must be handed in for successful completion of the course and will count as 30 marks towards the final mark.
5. Marks have been allocated to each specific section of your assignment.
6. All assignments are to be uploaded to Moodle.
Chapter 30 – Accounting for corporate social responsibility - Craig Deegan, (2016)