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MIS770 Foundation Skills in Business Analysis
Assignment One
Designing a Survey
• Due: Week 5, Thursday 9th April 2020, 11:59 pm.
• Marks: 20%.
• Words: 2,000 words, plus or minus 20%. (For more information, see Guideline One – Word
• Submission: Electronically in CloudDeakin. Email submissions will not be accepted.
• Notes: This assignment is to be completed individually.
Please ensure you are familiar with the Extension Request and the Late Penalties rules governing assignments in the Faculty of Business and Law (see details below).
Assurance of Learning
This assignment assesses the following Graduate Learning Outcomes and related Unit Learning Outcomes:
Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO) Unit Learning Outcome (ULO)
GLO1: Discipline knowledge and capabilities:
appropriate to the level of study related to a discipline or profession ULO1: Apply the fundamentals of quantitative reasoning to solve real-world problems
For this assignment, we will use the ideas and concepts introduced in Module 1 to design a survey that can be used to collect sample survey data.
Remember, it’s important to collect sample data in a valid manner where the collected data faithfully represents the population we are investigating. Therefore we need to ask appropriate questions in order to fulfil the purpose of the survey.
You have been commissioned by the Australian Government to develop a survey that will gauge the views of the Australian public regarding “Climate Change”. The Government intends to use the results of your survey to assist in the formulation of government policy for the next 30 years. The survey should contain 20 questions which should take a respondent no more than about 5 minutes to complete. Accordingly, for this survey, there should be no open ended questions (For more information, see Guideline Two – Variable Category Definition).
In this assignment, your tasks will be split into two (2) distinct Parts. The Part A relates to the Survey Questions and Part B to the Collection of the Survey Data (i.e. the methodology; and, determination of the target audience). For this assignment, you do not undertake the collection of any survey data/responses.
Part A – Survey Questions
• Task 1: write/create twenty (20) survey questions that are specifically aligned to the surveys purpose, i.e.
gauging the views of the Australian public regarding “Climate Change”.
• Task 2: justify/state the purpose/reason for asking each question.
• Task 3: indicate the type of variable that is most appropriate to your question (For more information, see Guideline Three – Variable Type)
• Task 4: indicate the Level (Scale) of Measurement that is applicable to each question (For more information, see Guideline Four – Level (Scale) of Measurement)
• Task 5: indicate, in detail, the type of visualisation (i.e. Chart/Table/Graph) you would use to visually represent the data for each question.
Part B – Collection of Survey Data
• Task 6: indicate the methodology you would adopt to conduct the survey (i.e. how do you intend to collect the data).
• Task 7: determine the target audience (i.e. what is your Survey Sampling Method) in order to ensure that your data is representative of the population and then describe your sampling frame.
Survey Question Hints
An example of an appropriate Survey Question:
Which of the following age groups is appropriate for your age?
Note: If you wish, you may use this question as one of your twenty (20) but you would, of course, need to establish the ranges for these age groups.
An example of an unacceptable Survey Question:
What is your name?
This example fails on multiple counts:
o There can be “no purpose” in asking this question (see Task 2).
o It’s likely the interviewee will decline to answer any further questions (for privacy reasons) or they will deliberately answer the remaining questions untruthfully.
o It would not be possible to represent the data gathered in any meaningful manner (see Task 5).
Guideline One – Word Count
The following word counts are a guide: Part A – Survey Questions
• Task 1: each survey question you create should be approximately 10 to 20 words (i.e. 200 to 400 words).
• Task 2: when you explain the purpose of your question, you should allow approximately 30 to 40 words per question (i.e. 600 to 800 words).
• Task 3: when you indicate the type of variable for each question, you will use a minimal number words.
• Task 4: when you indicate the Level (Scale) of Measurement for each question, you will use a minimal number words.
• Task 5: when you explain the type of visualisation for your question, you should allow approximately 25 to 35 words per question (i.e. 500 to 700 words).
Part B – Collection of Survey Data
• Task 6: when you explain your methodology, use approximately 100 to 200 words.
• Task 7: when you explain your Survey Sampling Method, use approximately 200 to 300 words.
Therefore, based on the above guidelines, your assignment should be no less than 1600 words and no more than 2400 words overall (i.e. 2000 words plus or minus 20%).
Guideline Two – Variable Category Definition
Ensure your questions are constructed such that any possible answer is both:
a. Mutually Exclusive, and
b. Collectively Exhaustive.
Guideline Three – Variable Type
When you design your twenty (20) questions, not only do you need to indicate the type of variable that is most appropriate to your question, but you must also adhere to the following minimum counts for these variables: a. 5 Categorical questions.
b. 5 Numeric questions, of which at least:
i. 2 need to be Discrete, and ii. 2 need to be Continuous.
Guideline Four – Level (Scale) of Measurement
For each question, you must nominate which of the following Level (Scale) of Measurement applies: a. Nominal.
b. Ordinal.
c. Interval.
d. Ratio.
Your completed work should be a single Word document divided into two sections:
Part A. Survey Questions
Your results should be listed question by question (e.g. under question 1, incorporate Tasks 1 to 5).
Part B. Collection of Survey Data
There is no need to have a Table of Contents; an Executive Summary; an Introduction; or, a Conclusion. You must, however, include a section containing your references (this section not included in the word count).
The assignment is to be submitted to the MIS770 assignment drop box in CloudDeakin before 11:59pm on Thursday 9th April, 2020. Please ensure you include your name and student details in your Word document as well as naming the file in the following format: yourstudentid_A1.docx. Failure to follow this naming convention may lead to a delay in receiving feedback and marks.
Note: CloudDeakin is the only method of submission acceptable.
In this assignment, you must reference all sources used in your assignment, including words and ideas, facts, images, videos, audio, websites, statistics, diagrams and data. There are many different types and styles of referencing and we recommend that you use the Harvard method. To assist you, the University has provided this guideline Deakin guide to referencing as well as an individual guide to the Harvard method. There is also a thirty (30) page pdf document called “Deakin Guide to Harvard” in the Unit’s “Assessments Resources” folder in CloudDeakin.
Faculty of Business and Law Assignment Extension Procedures
Information for students seeking an extension BEFORE the due date
If you wish to seek an extension for this assignment prior to the due date, you need to apply directly to the Unit Chair by completing the Assignment and Online Test Extension Application Form (PDF, 188.6KB) and sending the completed form as well as your supporting documentation and a draft of your assignment, to our generic email address (
This needs to occur as soon as you become aware that you will have difficulty in meeting the due date.
Please note: Unit Chairs can only grant extensions up to two weeks beyond the original due date. If you require more than two weeks, or have already been provided an extension by the Unit Chair and require additional time, you must apply for Special Consideration via StudentConnect within 3 business days of the due date.
Conditions under which an extension will normally be considered include:
• Medical – to cover medical conditions of a serious nature, e.g. hospitalisation, serious injury or chronic illness.
Note: temporary minor ailments such as headaches, colds and minor gastric upsets are not serious medical conditions and are unlikely to be accepted. However serious cases of these may be considered.
• Compassionate – e.g. death of a close family member, significant family and relationship problems.
• Hardship/Trauma – e.g. sudden loss or gain of employment, severe disruption to domestic arrangements, victim of crime.
Note: misreading the due date, assignment anxiety or returning home will not be accepted as grounds for consideration.
Information for students seeking an extension AFTER the due date
If the due date has passed; you require more than two weeks extension, or you have already been provided with an extension and require additional time, you must apply for Special Consideration via StudentConnect. Please be aware that applications are governed by University procedures and must be submitted within three business days of the due date or extension due date.
Please be aware that in most instances the maximum amount of time that can be granted for an assignment extension is three weeks after the due date, as Unit Chairs are required to have all assignment submitted before results/feedback can be released back to students.
Penalties for late submission
The following marking penalties will apply if you submit an assessment task after the due date without an approved extension:
• 5% will be deducted from available marks for each day, or part thereof, up to five days.
• Work that is submitted more than five days after the due date will not be marked; you will receive 0% for the task.
Note: 'Day' means calendar day.
The Unit Chair may refuse to accept a late submission where it is unreasonable or impracticable to assess the task after the due date.
Additional information: For advice regarding academic misconduct, special consideration, extensions, and assessment feedback, please refer to the document “Rights and responsibilities as a student” in the “Unit Guide and Information” folder under the “Resources” section in the MIS770 CloudDeakin site.
Marking Rubric
Poor Needs Improvement Satisfactory Good Very Good Exemplary
Part A: Develop
Survey Questions
(Marks: 12)
Create survey questions that are aligned with the Scenario 0 points
Proposes no valid questions which indicates no comprehension of the task 3.6 points
Proposes only a few valid questions that
indicate little
comprehension of the task 6 points
Proposes several more satisfactory creative questions that indicates satisfactory comprehension of the task 7.2 points
Proposes a reasonably good number of creative questions that indicates a
comprehension of the task 8.4 points
Proposes many very good creative questions that indicates a deep comprehension of the task 12 points
Proposes comprehensive creative questions that meets best practice and are grounded in empirical theory. All questions
reflect a high level of judgement
0 – 3.5 Marks 3.6 – 5.9 Marks 6 – 7.1 Marks 7.2 – 8.3 Marks 8.4 – 9.5 Marks 9.6 – 12 Marks
Part B: Method of Survey
(Marks: 5)
Describe how Survey is to be conducted and how to select the target audience 0 points
Provides no direction as to how the survey might be implemented
0 – 1.4 Marks 1.5 points
Provides little direction as to how the survey might be implemented
1.5 – 2.4 Marks 2.5 points
Provides acceptable direction as to how the survey might be implemented in a satisfactory manner
2.5 – 2.9 Marks 3 points
Provides a good direction as to how the survey might be implemented
3 – 3.4 Marks 3.5 points
Provides a detailed and insightful direction as to how the survey might be implemented
3.5 – 3.9 Marks 5 points
Provides outstanding detail and insightful direction as to how the survey might be implemented 4 – 5 Marks
(Marks: 3) 0 points
No attempt has been made to follow assignment particulars.
Poorly presented 0.9 points
Little attempt has been made to
follow assignment particulars. Unsatisfactorily presented 1.5 point
Most of the assignment
particulars have been followed. Satisfactorily presented 1.8 point
Majority of the assignment particulars have been followed. Good
presentation 2.1 points
All of the assignment particulars have been followed. Very good presentation 3 points
All of the assignment particulars have been dealt with meticulously. Faultless assignment presentation
0 – 0.8 Marks
0.9 – 1.4 Marks
1.5 – 1.5 Marks
1.8– 1.8 Marks
2.1 – 2.3 Marks
2.4 – 3 Marks