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This is a work group -
As a group, you are required to prepare a detailed Market Research Proposal that clearly outlines the marketing problem and research objectives and details a recommended research approach to meet these objectives.

A marketing research proposal can be defined as: “A plan that offers recommendations for conducting research …details the who, the what, the where, the when and the how of research and the information associated with it”. Before carrying out marketing research, the researcher is supposed to write a marketing research proposal. The main aim of this proposal is to provide the client with an overview of your recommended approach and obtain their approval.
The first File attached is the client Briefing please read it, Based on this I need to work my tasks on top of this briefing.
My taskes are Tasks 4/5/6.
4. Outline the Research Objectives and any specific research questions that will be used.

5. Describe the Type of Research and Technique (i.e. Research Design) that you are going to undertake and give a description of each technique that you are going to do (i.e. Exploratory/Descriptive: Qualitative, Quantitative...etc.).
Include in this section how the Data will be collected using (e.g. telephone, mail, internet etc.) and why you have chosen the particular Research Design. Please note that this outline must be consistent with the constraints of the project that have been provided in the Client Brief. If using an online survey generator/application students will need to explain why the particular survey generator/application was consider superior and how it meets the Project’s parameters.
(for this task if will be if is gonna be exploratory ,descriptive, causal, primary research or secondary research
6- . Outline the Sampling Plan. This includes the number of interviews that you will conduct in the Quantitative Phase of your project, how you will recruit the respondents, and why you have chosen the Sampling Technique recommended.
(How you collect the data ).
Each task will be right 275.00 words so total it will be 825 words
Also attached the slides from the lecture and some classes notes.
Please do not forget References and the all text in APA style.