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Question1 (10 Marks)
Contemporary strategic management ensures that a firm's Vision and Mission defines the strategic direction of the firm. Explain the challenges faced by firm's operating in today's global competitive landscape in ensuring it's Vision and Mission remains relevant in an ever changing and uncertain environment? [ Max 700 Words - guide 300 to 500 words].
Question 2 (10 Marks)
How does the 5 Forces Model assist firms in making decisions on selecting entry to an industry? Please provide an example to support your answer and refer to the 5 Forces Model. What other information would be needed in assessing industry selection?[ Max 700 Words - guide 400 - 550 words].
Question 3 (10 Marks)
Discuss using examples of how intangible assets can be used to create competitive advantage in firms. [ Max 700 Words - guide 300 to 400 words].
Question 4 (10 Marks)
The concept that core competencies must be sustainable for firms to earn above average returns is well established. However, core competencies can be threatened or even become obsolete. Explain how firms can strengthen and protect their core competencies. [ Max 700 Words - guide 300 to 500 words].
Question 5 (10 Marks)
Why would firms adopt a cost leadership strategy? What are the risks with this Strategy? [ Max 700 Words - guide 300 to 400 words].
Question 6 (10 Marks)
What is a corporate-level strategy and why is it important? [ Max 700 Words - guide 300 to 500 words].
Question 7 (10 Marks)
Why would an organisation adopt a first mover approach to achieving a sustainable competitive advantage? What are the advantages and risks for a firm to adopt this approach. Use recent examples to explain your answer. [ Max 700 Words - guide 300 to 500 words].
Question 8 (10 Marks)
Strategic Alliances can create value for firms. Explain how this can be achieved and use an example to support your answer. [ Max 700 Words - guide 300 to 500 words].
Question - 9 ( TOTAL 20 Marks)
(A) Define Corporate Governance and explain what is the relationship between Strategy and Corporate governance for an organisation is? (15 Marks) (B) Does the Board's involvement in the context of governance add value to an organisation in determining the corporate mission? (5 Marks)
[ Max 100 Words - guide 700- 800 words].