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BCO6615 Strategic Use of ERP Systems
Semester 2, 2014

Assignment 2: Short paper-essay.

Date due week 6: 26/8/2014 (midnight)

Available marks: 35 (Individual assignment)

Your essay should be approximately 1800-2000 words.
Use 1.5 spacing with a 12 point Times New Roman font.

Though your paper will largely be based on the lecture material, you should consult appropriate references from the library and other suitable sources. Citation of sources is mandatory and must be in the Harvard style.

The short paper contributes up to 35% of the overall assessment in this unit. There is an expectation that the tasks associated with this assignment will reflect a professionally written paper.

Many companies have used ERP systems for a considerable amount of time and could be considered established and mature users of these systems. It has been suggested that because companies have adopted ERP systems, it would be difficult for them to achieve a competitive advantage through differentiation in their industry sector because everyone would have similar systems in place. Give, this suggestion discuss, some of the strategies companies can use to achieve competitive advantage and differentiation using to their ERP systems? Use case studies to support your arguments.

Your essay must include:
Assignment Cover Page: Use the cover sheet provided.

Paper’s title page: Include the Assignment Title, Student Name & Number, Date & Unit name/code.

Introduction: Introduces the topic. States clearly purpose of the paper and a brief description of the paper’s structure.

Body: Discuss, compare and/or contrast different perspectives, present arguments supporting the purpose of the paper.

Conclusion: Summarise the salient points you have made in the body of the paper. These should match your stated purpose.

References/Bibliography Must be consistent in Harvard style.

The footer must include your name, student ID, and page number. A header should include a short version of the title.

Your paper must be submitted via the Assessment Dropbox link in Collaborate.

You can use regularly submissions to Assessment Dropbox to check for similarity using Turnitn.

Name your file the following way— Last Name-9999999.docx and where the 9999999 is replaced by your own student number (for instance Bingley-4214567).