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Hotel name - Shangri la Sydney
Referencing - APA style
Words- 1000
all the details about Shangri - La Sydney

1. Provide information about the components of hotel accommodation operations both the front and back of house
2. Explain the impact of key trends in accommodation sector on the hotels success and profitability.
3. Assess the internal and external factors influencing the accommodation operations.
4. Explain the interdepartmental relations and their influence on the performance of the accommodation sector of the hotels.
5. Critically analyse and present solutions to management issues and contemporary challenges in the global accommodation sector.

Assessment Task 3B Marking Rubric (Group Report)
Criteria High Distinction (80% - 100%) Distinction
(70% - 79%) Credit
(60% - 69%) Pass
(50% - 59%) Fail
(0% - 49%) Score Weight
Critically analyse the hotel accommodation sector operations both-the front of house as well as back of house Demonstrates by Comprehensive and in-depth analysis of:
hotel accommodation sector operations both-the front of house as well as back of house
Effective – In-depth analysis of:
hotel accommodation sector operations both-the front of house as well as back of house
Detailed – analysis of:
hotel accommodation sector operations both-the front of house as well as back of house
Adequate – analysis of:
hotel accommodation sector operations both-the front of house as well as back of house
Not adequate; analysis of:
hotel accommodation sector operations explained 6
Appraise the impact that an integrated and holistic approach that technology can have on the successful operations and sustainability of the hospitality organisation.
- Discuss internal and external factors influencing the management of hotel operations
- Defines key terms and concepts relating to accommodation management Comprehensive critical analysis of:
-operational issues within areas of the accommodation (technology in the operations).
-internal and external factors influencing the management of hotel operations
-key terms and concepts relating to accommodation mgt
Effective –clear and relevant analysis of:
-operational issues within areas of the accommodation (technology in the operations).
-internal and external factors influencing the management of hotel operations
-key terms and concepts relating to accommodation mgt
Detailed - clarity and analysis of:
-operational issues within areas of the accommodation (technology in the operations).
-some internal and external factors influencing the management of hotel operations
-some key terms and concepts relating to accommodation mgt
Adequate – in terms of clarity of analysis of:
-operational issues within areas of the accommodation (technology in the operations).
-not effectively carried out on internal and external factors influencing the management of hotel operations
-some key terms and concepts relating to accommodation management
Not adequate; Limited analysis of:
-operational issues within areas of the accommodation (technology in the operations).
-Limited discussion carried out on internal and external factors influencing the management of hotel operations
-some key terms and concepts relating to accommodation mgt
Critically analyse and present solutions to contemporary challenges in the international accommodation sector:
- Recommendations respond to shortcomings/ challenges and/or management opportunities identified in research & proposes theoretical application and practical implication
- Articulate, logical thought, applicable recommendations Comprehensive recommendations that are relevant to the principles, theoretical application and practical implication Developed logic & strong credible argument on an alternative scenario based on evaluation and highlighted practical implication of new opportunities that emerged as a result of this application Effective recommendations that are relevant to the principles, theoretical application and practical implication Logical & credible argument highlighting an alternative scenario based on evaluation and highlighted practical implication of new opportunities that emerged as a result of this application Detailed recommendations that are relevant to the application and practical implication Logical argument highlighting specific factors related to the application and practical implication of recommendations that were identified Adequate – recommendations are relevant, practical and Highlights factors related to the application and practical implication of recommendations Not adequate; recommendations have limited application to the site
Weak argument related to the to the application and practical implication of recommendations 8
Expression, Structure & Reference Demonstrates a high-quality level of academic writing, pre-submission editing and proof-reading and minimal grammatical/expression errors.
Professional presentation including the use of headings, spelling, punctuation error-free. APA referencing used throughout is consistent and accurate and demonstrated ability to reference a range of sources both in-text and using a reference list Demonstrates a solid level of academic writing with occasional editing, proof-reading and grammatical/expression errors
Well-presented including the use of headings, spelling, punctuation error-free. APA referencing used throughout is consistent and accurate and demonstrated ability to
reference a range of sources both
in-text and using a reference list. Level of academic writing consistent but with editing, proof-reading and grammatical/expression errors.
Some errors in formatting, spelling, punctuation.
Additional editing and proof- reading required. APA referencing is in parts
inconsistent and or demonstrates
a limited ability to
reference a range of sources. Level of academic writing in-consistent with multiple editing, proof-reading and grammatical/expression errors.
Errors in formatting, spelling, punctuation.
Additional detailed editing and proof- reading required. Limited acknowledgement of
sources as in-text or within a reference
list Poor level of academic writing with multiple editing, proof-reading and grammatical/expression errors throughout.
Multiple errors in formatting, spelling, punctuation.
Significant detailed editing and proof- reading required. Failure to acknowledge
sources either as in-text or within a reference list
Late penalty Marks awarded 30