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Focus and There is a clear introduction that outlines the topic, and profiles the scope, content and the sequence of the essay topic. There is a clear introduction that outlines the topic, and profiles the content and the sequence of the essay topic. There ts a clear introduction that outlines the topic and the content to be covered. There is an introductory sentence that There is no Introductory There is a clear introduction that outlines (m -- .,• ,-..,.r, Statement the topic, and contextualizes and profiles the scope, content and the sequence of the essay topic. octanes the topic i-!-_-I ,: (5% of Marks)5 j 4 3.5 3 1.5 a Sequencing) The content in the essay matches the outline presented in the introductory paragraph. Paragraphs are organised in a logical manner so that content flows from one paragraph to the next, and the essay ends with a rational conclusion. The content in the essay matches the outline presented in the introductory paragraph. Most paragraphs are organised in a logical manner so that content flows from one paragraph to the next, and the essay ends with a rational conclusion, The content in the essay mostly matches the outline presented in the introductory paragraph. Most paragraphs are organised in a logical manner, and the essay ends with a rational conclusion. There is a clear introduction, followed by the body of the essay, with a conclusion. However, content within the body and within paragraphs is not always logically sequenced. There is a concluding paragraph which restates the topic, provides a summary which connects all of the key points, and presents an overall conclusion. There is a concluding paragraph which restates the topic, provides a summary of ail of the key points, and presents an overall conclusion. There is a concluding paragraph which restates the topic, provides a summary of most of the key points, and presents an overall conclusion. There is a concluding paragraph which restates the topic and provides a summary of most of the key points. The content is relevant to the topic. High quality evidence and examples are presented. The content is relevant to the topic. Appropriate evidence and examples are presented. The content is relevant to the topic. Evidence and examples are presented of varying quality, Most content is relevant to the tow.. Evidence and examples are presented of varying Quality. Critical Thinking, There is evidence of both depth and breadth of reading. An argument is presented and is supported by adequate and appropriate evidence, There is evidence of breadth of reading. An argument is presented and is supported by adequate and appropriate evidence. An argument is presented and is supported by adequate and appropriate evidence. Credible and relevant references are used. Accurate use of APA referencing style on most occasions. A range of in-text citations has been used. Credible and relevant references are used. Accurate use of APA referencing style on most occasions. There is limited use of a range of in-text citation formats. Credible and relevant Most references are cm:1We and relevant. Accurate used MA referencing style on most occasions. Sentence and Paragraph Structure/intelligibility (Expectation) The writing is organised into paragraphs, and the information is organised appropriately within the paragraph. Each paragraph relates to a discrete idea. There are clear linking sentences that links each paragraph to the next. The writing is organised into paragraphs, and the information is mostly organised appropriately within the paragraph. Most paragraphs relate to a discrete idea. There are clear linking sentences that links most paragraphs to the next. The writing is organised into paragraphs, and the information is mostly organised appropriately within the paragraph. Most paragraphs relate to a discrete idea The paragraphs mostly link to one another. Mechanics - Grammar, (Expectation) There are no errors with grammar, spelling and punctuation, and the meaning is easily discernible. There are minimal errors with grammar, spelling and punctuation, and the meaning is easily discernible. Spelling and Punctuation There are some errors with grammar, spelling and punctuation. However, the meaning is readily discernible.