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Assessment Information
Subject Code: BUS201
Subject Name: Foundations of Business Success
Assessment Title: Learning Contract and Portfolio (Individual assessment task)
Weighting: 30%
Total Marks: 30
Word Count: Not Applicable
Submission: Via Turnitin
Due Date Week 10
This assessment Task will address the following Learning Outcomes:
• LO4: Utilize diverse business communication methods and apply the principles of effective self- management in a business context.
• LO6: Demonstrate ability to manage self and own learning in relation to workplace requirements
Assessment Description
This is an individual assessment task.
A learning contract is a self-directed assessment tool that helps the student to improve their learning in an area that needs improvement. It is a self-managed assessment task though it will still be assessment by your Lecturer.
You will be required to complete a “Networking” task as this have been shown to increase a person’s chances in securing a job.
Additionally, in Week 1 you need to negotiate with your lecturer one skill or quality you wish to improve. Examples would include developing the following:
• Time management
• Written communication
• Oral communication
• Assertiveness
• Organising skills
• Negotiation skills
• Conflict resolution skills
• Public speaking skills
• Technical skills (e.g., Xero, Excel, etc.)
This is not an exhaustive list. You may choose your own skill that you wish to learn.
In this assessment task you will need to follow the guidelines below.
For Learning Objective #1, you need to follow the following format.
1. What are you going to learn? (Objectives)
You will need to identify the objective you wish to learn. They could be multiple objectives, but you need to be realistic.
2. How are you going to learn it (specific sources and strategies)?
Explain how you plan to learn and achieve your objectives. You must specify what resources you need to have in order to achieve your objective. Also list how you will measure your objectives (this will be important for when you answer Question #4)
3. Date of Completion
This assessment is due in week 10 so, if applicable, you need to break the 10 weeks into a weekly or fortnightly schedule and monitor your learning closely. Just stating
‘Week 10’ is not acceptable. For example, if you are attending a one-day course, you would write the date e.g., 14 April 2018.
4. How are you going to know that you have learned it (evidence?)
Here you need to determine if the outcomes that you have set has been achieved. How are you going to know that you have learnt it? How do you measure it?
5. How are you going to prove that you have learned it (verification by judges)? You need to keep the Lecturer in mind as to how he/she will be assessing you. For example, if you did an online course, you may attach a certificate proving that you passed or completed the course. There are many courses that are free. Time will be set aside in Week 10 for all students to share their learnings as well as demonstrate their learnings where applicable (e.g., oral communication skills in giving a presentation).
For Learning Objective #2 (Networking), you need to complete the following
• Attend at least one network meeting. You can find various networking opportunities on Facebook groups / events,, State and Local government websites, professional associations, etc.
• Present a report based on the following headings and questions below:
Prior to the meeting
Make your pre-meeting ‘Network Plan’ (Provide answers to the following questions)
• Choose which network meeting you will attend. What are the criteria for your choice?
• What are the aims of the network? How will these aims benefit you?
• Who do you think is likely to attend the network meeting? E.g. On you can sometimes see who is attending the function.
• What do you want to achieve from the network meeting?
• How do you aim to promote yourself / your organization – oral and written? (e.g., printed information you take; business card; goals you have; etc.)
• What strategies will you use for assisting others to develop trust and confidence in you?
Actions during the networking function
• What network strategies did you use?
• What strategies did you use for developing trust and confidence? Did they work?
• What positive networking skills did you observe?
• What could have been improved?
• What information did you pass on to members of the network?
Actions after the networking function
• Create a list or database of contacts made including the person’s name, organisation, contact details, expertise, follow-up actions. Include this in your portfolio.
o List ways you will follow up and maintain the contacts made.
• What knowledge and skills did you share with others at the meeting? How is this likely to benefit you?
• What feedback did you receive about Kaplan Business School (if you mentioned that you were a student at KBS in your introduction)? What can you do as a result of gaining this feedback?
• What knowledge and skills did you gain? Are there others in your class who could benefit from the knowledge & skills you gained at the meeting? If so, how can you pass this information on?
• Evaluate the network– how useful will it be in enabling you to achieve your goals?
Discuss 3-5 issues that you faced in completing this contract?
What will you do better next time?
Grading Scale
This assessment will be marked using the attached rubric. You will receive descriptive feedback on your Learning Contract / Portfolio. You must submit the assessment to Turnitin either prior to or on the specified date in Week 10.
Important Study Information
Academic Integrity Policy
KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy.
For details on academic integrity policies and penalties, the reassessment process, and the appeals process, please refer to
Word Limits for Written Assessments
Submissions that exceed the word count by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point at which that limit is exceeded.
Study Assistance
Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Success Centre representative or refer to the study help on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. You can find this by clicking on the top page toolbar:
My Services Academic Success Centre Study Support Resources

Criteria F (Fail)
0%-49% P (Pass) 50%-64% CR (Credit) 65%74% D (Distinction)
75% - 84%
HD (High Distinction)
Objective(s) and Strategies (6 marks) No objective(s) stated. No explanation of how the student will learn the objective. No target date identified. Objective(s) clearly stated with a clear explanation of how the student will learn it using relevant resources and strategies. Specific target date identified. Objective(s) clearly stated with a clear explanation of how the student will learn it using relevant resources and strategies. Specific target date identified. Objective(s) clearly stated with a clear explanation of how the student will learn it using relevant resources and strategies. Specific target date identified. Objective(s) clearly stated with a clear explanation of how the student will learn it using relevant resources and strategies. Specific target date identified.
Confirmation and Evidence of Learning (8 marks) Learning objective(s) not attempted nor completed. No evidence provided. Learning objective(s) partially completed. Student needed to demonstrate the outcomes better. Very little evidence was provided of the learnings. Learning objective(s) partially completed. Student attempted to demonstrate the outcomes but could have been clearer. Evidence was provided of the learnings. Learning objective(s) completed. Student clearly demonstrated its outcomes. Very good and sound evidence provided of the learnings. Learning objective(s) completed to a high standard. Student clearly demonstrated its outcomes.
Excellent, sound evidence provided of the learnings.
Networking Plan (3) No planning and thought given towards attending the networking meeting. No strategies given. Little thought given to objectives and outcomes wanted from the network meeting. Few strategies given. Objectives and outcomes wanted from the network meeting expressed but could have been clearer. Good strategies given. Clear focus on objectives and outcomes wanted from the network meeting. Very good strategies given. Very clear focus on objectives and outcomes wanted from the network meeting. Excellent strategies given.
Actual Networking Meeting and Post-Networking (7) Did not attend a networking meeting and/or write no postaction answers to questions. Attended appropriate networking meeting. Answered a majority of the questions accordingly but could have had more depth and insight. Attended appropriate networking meeting. Answered all questions accordingly but could have had more depth and insight. Attended appropriate networking meeting and completed all the ‘during’ and post-networking questions thoroughly. Attended appropriate networking meeting and thoroughly completed all the ‘during’ and post-networking questions. Excellent explanations and insights.
Reflection (4) No issues identified in completing the learning contract nor reflection on what to better next time. Though a reflection was written, it did not have much depth. Issues identified were vague and limited to only 1 or 2. Little, if any, useful strategies were given. Reflection identified 3-5 issues but could have had more depth.
Strategies were useful. Very good reflection identifying 3-5 issues that occurred during the completion of the learning contract. Clear and useful strategies to do better next time identified. Excellent reflection identifying 3-5 issues that occurred during the completion of the learning contract. Very clear and useful strategies to do better next time identified.
OVERALL: Answers clearly and logically presented with Correct academic writing style used, correct spelling, grammar and punctuation (2) Answers lack flow and were unclear. No structure. Many spelling and grammatical errors.
Writing style is non-academic though is clear; minor flow and structure issues. Spelling or grammatical errors. Academic writing style is clear; good flow, some structure issues. Some spelling or grammatical errors. Clear academic writing style with very good flow and structure. Minor spelling or grammatical errors. Academic writing style is very clear with sound flow and structure. No spelling or grammatical errors.