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Unit Name/Code BUS1003/BUS105 Business Communication and Academic
Assessment Type Group Work Assessment
Assessment Number 3
Assessment Name Assessment 3 Group Presentation
Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed 1. Engage in ethical production of academic essays, business reports, correspondence and presentations through research and application of appropriate referencing
3. Discuss and apply the writing process in various types of academic essays, business reports, correspondence and presentations 5. Develop and demonstrate academic research skills
Due Date and Time Week 11
Presentations will be scheduled in workshops
*If you miss this assessment you may be able to apply for special consideration on appropriate grounds and with supporting evidence (i.e. medical certificate). For more details on what is considered appropriate grounds for consideration read the AIH policy. Both the form and policy are on the AIH website at Please remember this is not automatically granted and all applications are assessed.
Weighting 20%
Assessment Description Macro environmental factors impact the way in which businesses conduct their communications. Each student group is to select one of the following factors and examine the implications of this factor on corporate communications:
• Globalisation
• Social media
• Technological changes
• Environmental awareness
• Corporate social responsibility
• Regulatory requirements
A maximum of two groups can present on each topic.
In your presentation, you are expected to cover the following:
• Define and explain your chosen environmental factor.
• Identify the changes that are occurring in this area and their impact on business communications. Specific case study examples from real businesses should be used to support your analysis.
• Propose suggestions on how organisations may adapt their communications to address these factors in the future.
• Use at least 5 credible sources to support your presentation. Remember you need to cite sources in-text, as well in the reference list.
Read the attached rubric to see the specific marking criteria for this assessment.
Detailed Submission Requirements Students to form groups of 4 students
• 15 minute presentation (max 15 slides)
• All group members expected to research and present on the designated topic
• Submit slides to Assessment 3 Turnitin Link on BUS1003/BUS105 Moodle Page.
Assessment Rubric
Section Requirements Weight 20% HIGH DISTINCTION 100-85% DISTINCTION 84-75% CREDIT 74-65% PASS
64-50% FAIL
Structure and Accuracy (5 marks)
Your presentation should be divided into logical and equal sections. Each speaker should present and develop their key ideas in a way that helps the audience understand in greater detail through examples and/or explanation and/or analysis. Each speaker should prepare their presentation and practice delivering their section in a way that captures the audience's attention through attention to body language (looking at the audience) and speaking skills.
You should edit your talk and your slides for grammar, punctuation and spelling errors. Mark 5 4.25-5 3.75-4.24 3.25-3.74 2.5-3.24 0-2.45
Each section of the talk is organised and content is skillfully divided into well focussed sections of equal length. Key ideas, presented by each speaker are developed in a way that that captures the audience's attention and makes the presentation flow.
No grammar, punctuation, or spelling mistakes in spoken presentation or
in slides Excellent presentation design. Images are appropriately formatted and skillfully illuminate points.
Each section of the talk is organised and content is divided into focussed sections of equal length. Key ideas, presented by each speaker are developed in a way that that maintains the audience's attention. Logical connections are usually made so that the presentation flows.
Minor grammar, punctuation, or spelling mistakes in spoken presentation and/ or in slides. Slides are well formatted
with relevant images
utilised to compliment text. Presentation well paced throughout.
Each section of the talk is organised and content is divided into sections of mostly equal length. Key ideas, presented by each speaker are developed in a way that that often maintains the audience's attention. Logical connections are sometimes made and the presentation flows to an extent.
Some grammatical and spelling errors may be present in speech and in slides, but these do not affect understanding. Some images may be more effective or relevant to the topic than others. . Presentation within allocated time.
The talk is generally organised. There may be some overlapping of content. Sections of the talk may not be evenly divided. Key ideas may not always be clear or developed in a way that holds the audience's
attention. Logical connections may be lacking in quite a number of parts so that the presentation is difficult to follow in parts.
Grammatical and spelling errors may be present in speech and in slides which sometimes affect understanding. There may be some reliance on reading. Limited use of images/design elements. Slightly over or under allocated time.
The talk is poorly organised. There is considerable repetition of content. Little or no development of topics. Speakers fail to hold the audience's attention. Lack of logical connections make the presentation very difficult to follow.
Presentation has significant grammar, punctuation, or spelling mistakes that impede understanding. No use of images or design elements.
Assessment Rubric
Section Requirements Weight 20% HIGH DISTINCTION 100-85% DISTINCTION 84-75% CREDIT 74-65% PASS
64-50% FAIL
Content (Total marks: 10)
Define and explain the selected
environmental factor (5 marks)
Identify impact of environmental factor now and in the future with specific case study examples from business
(5 marks)
Mark 10 8.5-10 7.5-8.48 6.5-7.48 5-6.48 0-4.9
Nuanced and sophisticated definition/explanation is provided.
Outstanding examples of the impact of the environmental factor on business communication are discussed in detail. Discussion of implications of the environmental factor shows depth and insight.
Definition/explanation is articulated clearly with no conceptual errors.
Very good examples of how organisations are impacted by the environmental factor are provided.
Discussion of current and future impacts of the environmental factor shows some depth of analysis and insight.
Definition/explanation is clearly stated.
Some minor conceptual errors evident.
Reasonable examples of how the factor impacts on business communication are stated. More detail could be provided. Discussion of the impact of the environmental factor shows some analysis.
Definition/explanation of environmental factor may be very general and vague. Some conceptual errors.
Examples of how the factor impacts on business communication provided are either very general or not clearly relevant. Discussion of he impact of the environmental factor on business communication is very general and lacks analysis.
Definitions and explanations are not original, not included, or not relevant to the topic.
Identification of impacts are not original or not relevant to the topic. No examples and/or no relevant examples provided.
Referencing (5 marks)
You should use at least 5 credible sources and include referencing in your slides and refer to the evidence in your talk.
Mark 5 4.25-5 3.75-4.24 3.25-3.74 2.5-3.24 0-2.45
More than 5 highly relevant sources
used skillfully to support argument in presentation. Harvard referencing is applied correctly in both reference list and in-text citations. More than 5 credible sources utilised in presentation. Harvard referencing is applied correctly in both reference list and in-text citations. Minimal referencing errors evident.
5 credible sources used to support presentation. Harvard referencing is attempted in reference list and intext.
referencing errors evident.
5 sources used to support presentation. Not always from a credible sources. Harvard referencing is attempted in reference list or intext.
Many referencing errors evident. Research is not referred in presentation or evident in submission. Harvard referencing is not attempted.
TOTAL MARK Overall comments: