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[Your Full Name]
A Minor Thesis
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science in Computer Science
-[Title and Full Name]-
Victoria University – Sydney, Australia
([Month] , [Year])

-[Enter abstract here (should Not be more than 350 word).]-
-[Enter acknowledgements here.]-
Statement of Originality
I certify that this thesis contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma in any institute, college or university, and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person, except where due references is made in the text of the thesis.
[Your Full Name]
[Month] , [Year]
Table of Contents
Click anywhere in the table below. Right click mouse button and select “Update Field” then “Update entire table” to update the Table of Content. Delete this help text when it is no longer required.
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements ii
Statement of Originality ii
Table of Contents ii
List of Figures ii
List of Tables ii
Chapter 1 Introduction 2
1.1 A section heading 2
1.1.1 A subsection example, using figures 2
1.2 Another section heading 2
1.3 Conclusions, concluding remarks or results 2
Chapter 2 Literature Review 2
2.1 Using references 2
2.2 Another subsection 2
Chapter 3 Copy & Paste this chapter to create a new chapter 2
Appendix A Appendix Title 2
List of References 2
List of Figures
Click on the bold text below. Right click mouse button and select “Update Field” to display the current list of figures in the document. Delete this help text when it is no longer required.
Figure ?1.1. An example of a figure 2
List of Tables
Click on the bold text below. Right click mouse button and select “Update Field” to display the current list of tables in the document. Delete this help text when it is no longer required.
Table ?2.1 An example of a table 2

Chapter 1
Insert text here. Each chapter is expected to start with a number of paragraphs that introduce the contents of the chapter, the motivation for it and its major results (where applicable). It is good practice to refer to the previous chapters (where applicable) to better explain the context of the current chapter.
Further, it is a good practice to provide an outline of the chapter, describing the different sections of the paragraph and their support of the previous contents description.
This chapter is arranged as follows:
Section 1.1 provides a brief history of the field of…
Section 1.2 covers the required background to the field of… and discusses examples of pending issues, including A, B and C.
Section 1.3 concludes the chapter.
1.1 A section heading
An example of figures is available in Figure 1 1. When you reference your figure correctly, it is not necessary for the figure to appear after the end of the current paragraph. Place your figure where it makes the best sense. In addition, figures are only needed in order to provide additional information that enhances what is explained in the written text.
1.1.1 A subsection example, using figures
A figure is only supposed to appear in the document if there is a section in the text that refers to it and explains it to the extent that is needed. If there is no reference to the figure, it is an indicator that the figure is not needed and it should therefore be removed.

Figure 1 1. An example of a figure
An example of referencing the figures in the text could be as follows “Figure 1 1 is the logo of Victoria University Sydney City Centre Campus (VU-Sydney), as it was used in the previous semester. Recently, due to changes in the logo of Victoria University (Univerity, Victoria 2011), VU-Sydney also changes its logo to look as illustrated in Figure 1 2.”

Figure 1 2 A new logo of VU-Sydney
In addition, all figures are to be numbered, and every figure has to have a meaningful caption.
1.2 Another section heading
Here is the text of the second section of the chapter
1.3 Conclusions, concluding remarks or results
Each chapter is expected to end with a section of concluding remarks. This section reviews all that was presented in the chapter, its main conclusions or results and should ideally provide motivation for the next chapter.
Chapter 2
Literature Review
The second chapter is usually the “Literature Review”, although this structure is not mandatory. Once again, a chapter is expected to begin with an introduction to the content and the context of the chapter, followed by the outline of the chapter.
In this chapter, Section 2.1discusses the use of references, while Section 2.2 shows the use of tables.
2.1 Using references
Along the thesis you are expected to refer to the work and research of others. Acknowledging the achievements of others and showing that you have solid knowledge of the research in your field. These references can take many forms; the following section demonstrates such references.
“…Significant efforts towards automating the synthesis of protocol converters include the ground breaking work of Borriello and Katz (Borriello, G. and Katz, R. 1987), the work of Akella and McMillan (Akella, J. and McMillan, K.L. 1991), a number of approaches proposed by Gajski at al. (Narayan, S. and Gajski, D. 1995), (Gajski, D. et al. 2005), (Cho, H. et al. 2006), Passerone et al. (Passerone, R. et al. 2002) and others…”
2.2 Another subsection
An example of the use of tables is shown in Error! Reference source not found.
Table 2.1 An example of a table
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Data items Other data More data

Chapter 3
Copy & Paste this chapter to create a new chapter
Another chapter introduction and chapter outline, followed by some sections.
Appendix A
Appendix Title
An appendix would normally include information that is not vital for the completeness of the thesis. This can include, for example, a deviation from the main discussion, or a discussion of finer details than is required in the text. You are not required to have appendices.

List of References
Akella, J. and McMillan, K.L. 1991. Synthesizing converters between finite state protocols. In: ICCD., pp.410-413.
Borriello, G. and Katz, R. 1987. Synthesis and optimization of interface transducer logic. In: International Conference on Computer Aided Design., pp.274-277.
Cho, H., Abdi, S., and Gajski, D. 2006. Design and implementation of transducer for arm-tms communication. In: Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference., pp.126-127.
Gajski, D., Cho, H., and Abdi, S. 2005. General transducer architecture.
Narayan, S. and Gajski, D. 1995. Interfacing incompatible protocols using interface process generation. In: DAC. IEEE Computer society, pp.468-473.
Passerone, R., de Alfaro, L., Henzinger et al. 2002. Convertibility veri_cation and converter synthesis: two faces of the same coin. In: ICCAD. ACM, pp.132-139.
Univerity, Victoria (2011) 'Victoria University' [online] (Cited 29 April 2011) Available from URL: