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School of Computing and Information Technology
ISIT 410 / ISIT 910
Supply Chain Management
Spring Session 2017
Assignment 1 (Individual Work)
Due date: The hard copy to be handed to the tutor in the laboratory class in Week 6. Soft copy to be submitted online before 5:30 pm on Monday, August 28.
Weight: 20%
The graduate qualities of University of Wollongong include (1) teamwork, (2) innovation and design, (3) informed, (4) independent learners, (5) problem solvers, (6) effective communicators and (6) be responsible. This individual assignment is designed to develop your graduate qualities 2 to 6. You are required to write a 2,000-word report on the topic:
Comparison of the use of RFID and QR code in supply chain management
Please conduct an online search to identify companies that have used RFID technology / QR code in certain cycles of their supply chain management. Analyse the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats for the application of each technology in these companies.
Your report should consist of the following eight sections:
1. Title
2. Abstract
3. Introduction
4. Method
5. Results
6. Discussion
7. Conclusion
8. Reference list
For information about how to write a report, please visit the web site:
Assessment Criteria
The structure of the report and marking criteria
Criteria Allocated Mark
Abstract Total: 2 marks
• What is the aim of the report? 1
• What are the main findings and recommendations? 1
Introduction Total: 3 marks
• Does the introduction effectively orientate the reader to the topic area? 1
• Does the introduction specify the problem that will be addressed? 1
• Does the introduction clearly state the purpose of the report? 1
Methods Total: 2 marks
This is the section that tells your readers “how” you find the references, which method you have used to analyse the references and address the problems. What are the issues that you have considered?
• How the references were searched and found? 1
• What are the processes used to analyse the references? 1
Findings Total: 4 marks
• What are the strengths of each technology in supply chain management?
• What are the weaknesses of each technology in supply chain management?
• What are the risks of each technology in supply chain management?
• What are the opportunities of each technology in supply chain management?
Discussion Total: 3 marks
• What can we learn from your report? 1
• What are your recommendations for further development of the technology? 1
• What are the limitations of your report? 1
Conclusion Total: 2 marks
The conclusion is a summary of the problems, objectives and findings. 2
General quality requirement Total: 4 marks
• The results are evidence-based 1
• The reasoning is logically sound and of high clarity 1
• Consistency of referencing style 1
• Clarity and structure of written work 1
Total marks 20
Submission of the assignment
The hard copy of your assignment should be submitted to your tutor at the lab session on the due date. The electronic copy should be submitted online through Moodle by the due date. An appropriate assignment coversheet must be attached to all assignments and all sections of the coversheet completed.
These are available from the Faculty of Informatics Student Services Centre. Students are expected to keep a copy of all assignments handed in. Receipts will be issued on submission of assignments.
Marked assignments
Marked assignments will be handed-out in tutorial sessions. In accordance with University Policy marked assignments will usually only be retained by the Subject Coordinator/Tutor for 21 days after the declaration of the marks for that assignment. After that time the assignments will be destroyed.
Referencing Style
The Harvard system of referencing is used. Please visit for information about referencing style.
Plagiarism will not be tolerated and may result in the imposition of severe penalties. At the least, you will receive a zero grade for the piece of work concerned. Plagiarism is the use of another person’s work as if it is your own. The other person may be an author, a lecturer or another student. The work may previously have been published in print form or on the Web.
The University of Wollongong’s policy on plagiarism is available on the University Online Calendar.
To avoid plagiarism when using other people’s work, take care to reference appropriately. See the Referencing guidelines in the School website