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Corporate Networks
Value: 10%
Due date: 12-Aug-2017
You work for JKS Accountants, which is a growing accounting firm in Sydney. The Managing Partner, Cindy, is looking to evolve the corporate network to allow staff to work remotely from home, client sites and other locations as required. Due to the confidential nature of the client information held by the firm, she is trying to minimise the risks associated with remotely accessing JKS Accountants corporate network. Cindy has heard of the term VPN but is unsure what exactly it is and how it could help with staff working remotely and accessing the corporate network.
Prepare a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation to Cindy discussing:
1.What is a Virtual Private Network (VPN)? (1 mark)
2.What are the general risks faced by JKS Accounting associated with staff remotely accessing client data whilst not using a VPN? (2 marks)
3.What are benefits of JKS Accounting implementing a VPN. This should include the benefits of staff working remotely and how it can mitigate the risks you have identified above? (4 marks)
4.What other components of a corporate network would you also implement, in conjunction with a VPN, to help secure the network (1.5 marks)?
5. 1.5 marks will also be allocated for presentation as below;
the quality of your PowerPoint slides, including appropriate format, spelling and grammar;
presentation skills including clarity and use of professional language; and
APA Referencing - Additional slide(s) attached to your presentation acknowledging all sources used to develop you presentation.
There are details below regarding what is expected from your presentation.
This assessment task has been designed to assess your ability to:
be able to illustrate typical network configurations and identify the components of a network.
Additional slide(s) list relevant sources used in the preparation of your presentation using accurate APA referencing.
Presentation includes no more than ten (10) slides of relevant content, presented in a clear and concise manner.
Additional slide(s) list relevant sources used in the preparation of your presentation using APA referencing. Presentation includes no more than ten (10) slides of relevant content, presented in a concise manner.

Additional slide(s) list relevant sources used in the preparation of your presentation using APA referencing.
Presentation includes no more than ten (10) slides of relevant content.
Additional slide(s) list relevant sources used in the preparation of your presentation.

You need to prepare a PowerPoint presentation to your managing director. Your presentation should;
be a maximum of 10 slides;
cover each of the questions posed; and
be presented professionally. This includes both the presentation of the slides and your verbal presentation to Cindy.
Don’t forget, a presentation, just like a report, needs an introduction and a conclusion.

APA must be used to reference all sources you have used for your assignment.
The CSU Library site provides an on-line guide to APA style referencing. This is the referencing style adopted by the School of Accounting and Finance. The guide can be found at: