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Assessment Criteria
Suggested word limit: 1000 words (±10%)
Due Date: 21st August 2017
Important Please note:
1. Any assignments where plagiarism or collusion is detected will be awarded a mark of zero. You will need to contact your tutor if you wish to discuss this.
2. Failure to upload the correct document to the assessment link will result in late penalties being applied to documents which are later submitted for marking of that assignment.
Assessment Description
For weeks 3, 4 and 5, e-Learning materials have been uploaded to Blackboard (see 'E-learning Activities' menu for these weekly activities) for review and application.
Week 3 - What is Strategy
Watch the video on the following link: (8:47)
Week 4 - Business Model Innovation
Watch the video on the following link: (8:22)
Week 5 - CAGE framework
Watch the video on the following link: (2:25
Choose two examples of organizations that are widely regarded as excellent in their industry (DO NOT use any of the organizations discussed in the online clips provided as your selected examples).
Define (Why excellent?): Bottom line (Total revenue- cost)
Market share
Environmental/ social responsibility
Theories: Entrepreneur
Business model
For eg. Apple: ios, innovation, entrepreneurship
Practical source of the excellence: Marketing
Supply chain
Based on the online clips and the theories they cover, identify the source(s) of each individual organisation’s excellence in turn, paying particular attention to the roles of the various theories in achieving that excellence.
Recommended Structure
For each organisation (500 words per organisation), prepare 2 paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: A brief description of the organisation, justification for why you have selected it and why it is perceived as being excellent in its field (100 words).
Paragraph 2: A description of how this organisation has achieved its current standing in the market by applying the theory(ies) discussed in the online clips (400 words)
• Report format
Executive summary
Table of content
Body (as mentioned above)
Assessment Guidelines
Students should consult the marking rubric (see below) to see exactly what is required and how your assignment will be marked.
You should enrich this assignment with ideas from other materials such as journal articles. This additional research will be necessary to obtain the best marks.
All ideas in the report must be referenced using Harvard Referencing (in-text citations and full references at the back).
Individual Assignment 1 Fail 50-60 60-70 70-80 80+
Description of Inappropriate choice of Identified and described one Identified and described Identified and described Identified and described
appropriate organisation
/5 organisations/ poorly
described/no organisations identified suitable organisation with
some clarity two suitable organisations
with some clarity two suitable organisations
clearly two suitable organisation
clearly with clear justification for selection
Application of Theory Understanding and Limited attempt at relating Shows awareness of theory Good attempt at applying In-depth, insightful
application of theory to theory to organisations with reasonable attempt to theory to both organisations discussion of theory and
organisations is unclear and apply it to both how it links to the
demonstrates a lack of organisations, though, organisations in question.
/8 understanding of the
material. largely descriptive
Presentation, No relevant references/Few Some relevant references A reasonable set of relevant A good choice of relevant Excellent selection of
quantity and quality of References relevant references/
Referencing is unclear or poorly structured and mainly drawn from one type
of source. Referencing clear but inconsistent references, from more than
one type of source with clear referencing of all references from more than
one type of source, with at least one journal article. relevant references from a
variety of good sources presented in clear
formatted sources Systematic referencing systematic format
Formatting, Poorly presented, no Limited attempt at Page numbering, front Good attempt at report Excellent attempt at
Structure and approach apparent structure and/or
confused writing style formatting, Well structured,
clear writing style cover, bibliography with
some attempt at formatting. Well structured, focus formatting incorporating all
elements at credits level. Clear focus, structure and formatting report. Focus
clear and justified, structure and style used to emphasise
explicit and clear, style style used to emphasise argument and discussion
appropriate discussion