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Assessment 3: Critical Evaluation
2300 words
Weighting: 50 %
Due Date: 17:00hrs, 22 May, 2017
The aim of this assignment is to critically evaluate a journal article. This will provide you with the skills and knowledge to be able to evaluate the quality and relevance of research so that you can make informed decisions about applying it to practice.
This assignment addresses the following course learning outcome/s:
1. Examine the contribution of research to evidence-based practice;
2. Evaluate the credibility of the information provided by research studies;
3. Demonstrate understanding of the major elements of the research process that underpin translation to practice.
Task Description (Instructions):
For this task you need to write a 2300 word critical evaluation report. In your report you will critically evaluate a journal article and discuss its relevance to clinical nursing practice. You must choose to evaluate a Randomised Controlled Trial OR a Qualitative Study (see below).
For this report you must use the ‘critical evaluation tool template’ (available in the Assessment 3 Folder in the L@G site) to guide what information to include in each section. The template is your guide only and is not to be submitted.
In your report you must use the following headings:
• Introduction (200 words)
• Title and Abstract (100 words)
• Structuring the Study (300 words)
• The sample (150 words)
• Data Collection (300 words)
• Data Analysis (300 words)
• Findings (300 words)
• Conclusion (150 words)
• Relevance to clinical nursing practice (500 words)
• You need to include a reference list (not included in word count).
Case Studies – You need to choose ONE of these case studies to evaluate in your report.
CHOICE 1: Randomised Controlled Trial, Case Study
Journal Article:
Bugden, S., Shean, K., Scott, M., Mihala, G., Clark, S., Johnstone, C., … Rickard, C. (2016). Skin glue reduces the failure rate of emergency department-inserted peripheral intravenous catheters: A randomized controlled trial. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 68, 196–201.
What the study is about:
Peripheral intravenous catheters are the most commonly used medical invasive device in hospitals today and are frequently initiated in the emergency department. Peripheral intravenous catheter failure frequently occurs after 48 hours post insertion, suggesting that improvements in securement can be targeted at this timeframe. A novel approach for improved peripheral intravenous catheter fixation is the use of medical-grade skin glue (cyanoacrylate) at the insertion site. Skin glue has been reported to be effective for securing central venous, epidural, and peripheral arterial catheters, with improved fixation compared with standard polyurethane dressings.
CHOICE 2: Qualitative Study, Case Study
Journal article:
Bernoth, M., Dietsch, E., & Davies, C. (2013). Two dead frankfurts and a blob of sauce: The serendipity of receiving nutrition and hydration in Australian residential aged care. Collegian, 21, 171-177. j.colegn.2013.02.001
What the study is about:
Social relationships have been repeatedly identified as essential to nursing home resident quality of life, life meaning and satisfaction, and psychological wellbeing. Articulating the views of residents, and the work residents engage in to develop relationships with both peers and staff, is necessary to facilitate identification of opportunities for targeted interventions that promote, support, and sustain relationships in practice.
Other elements:
• Always refer to the Griffith Health Writing and Referencing Guide.
• Ensure that you use scholarly literature1 (digitised readings, research articles, relevant Government reports and text books) that have been published within the last 6 years.
• Use academic language2 throughout.
• You need to adhere strictly to the word limit. Refer to the Assignment Presentation Formatting Guidelines for more information about word limits.
• Submit your assignment via Turnitin as per the instructions in the Assessment Section of the Learning@Griffith course site.

1 Scholarly or peer-reviewed journal articles are written by scholars or professionals who are experts in their fields, as opposed to literature such as magazine articles, which reflect the tastes of the general public and are often meant as entertainment.
2 Everyday language is predominantly subjective. It is mainly used to express opinions based on personal preference or belief rather than evidence. Written academic English is formal. It avoids colloquialisms and slang, which may be subject to local and social variations. Formal language is more precise and stable, and therefore more suitable for the expression of complex ideas and the development of reasoned argumentation.
Formatting and Submission
Please submit your Report as ONE document that includes (in this order):
1. Assignment Cover sheet. A merged template is available on the Assignment Presentation Formatting Guidelines page of the Health Writing and Referencing Guide.
2. Assignment Title Page with correct details.
3. Your report, appropriately formatted (font, line spacing, margins, page numbers, student number etc.).
4. Reference list on a separate sheet and appropriately formatted. This is additional to the word limit.
Make sure that you:
• Check and save a copy of your work.
• Submit your report to the appropriate Turnitin submission point on the course site as per the instructions in the Assessment tab.