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ENGG 620
Advanced Decision Analysis
Term Project
You are part of an infrastructure management team. You are supplied with a data set representing a group of sewer network pipes in two different cities. Such data is usually available in huge volumes, thus require utilizing specially built decision making tools. You individual term project has two interdependent parts:
- Locate and review available material relevant to the set of data. You review should include two main conclusions: 1) what are typical decisions taken while managing this asset and 2) what are decision analysis tools that are being used.
- Propose using one of the decision analysis tools, build a model and apply it to one of the given sets of data. During this actual implementation part, you can extract and use additional data from literature; avoid duplicating work already did. You work should be justifiable and value adding.
If those two parts are completed sufficiently you will be able to compare your effort to other existing models you read about, and draw valuable conclusions.
Risk assessment tool
Failure prediction
Condition deterioration pattern
A tool for scheduling inspection and/or interventions
- A comprehensive report (soft and hardcopies), including an abstract, introduction, overview of the reviewed literature with conclusions or comments, your model description and your final conclusions.
- Your computer model.
- An oral presentation and an open discussion about your work.
Due date:
Projects are due at the beginning of the class, on Tuesday the 6th of December 2016.
Project Grading
The project grade will be based on the report and computer model. Projects will be graded according to the following criteria:
50% Project report, reviewing relative literature, documenting work performed, demonstrating understanding of existing tools and techniques, establishing value of model and drawing conclusions.
35% Computer model, correct choice of technique, validity of application and interpretation of results.
15% Presentation.
A 5% bonus on your grade is given if your work is publishable.
- Thorough review of literature.
- Novelty of approach.
- Contribution to the existing body of knowledge.
* You can provide a different set of data to work with, subject to my approval before work. It needs to have several variables, to be coming from a credible source and to be in a sufficient volume.