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This assignment contributes 40% of the total marks for this module. The focus of this assignment is to draw upon your analysis of national culture of two countries in Assignment 1 to develop an assessment of similarities and differences in managerial processes and organisational culture which an international manager can expect to encounter in these two countries which was Australia and lebanon.
Issues you may wish to examine could include how culture affects individualism versus group orientation, communications, decision-making, autocratic versus delegated leadership, superior-subordinate relationships and managing teams. In the report utilise appropriate academic theories about cross-cultural management to create frameworks to support your proposals. Utilise similar information sources that were utilised in Assignment 1.You may find some added benefit in obtaining information of the operations, and possibly any international activities, of major organisations in the two countries that are being compared which was Australia and Lebanon.

The main body of the report should not exceed a length of10 A4 pages, typed single space, using Arial point 12 type face. You can also attach appendices to the report to provide coverage of information that, because of the report length constraint, could not be included in the main report. There is no limitation on the length of the appendices.

The source of all materials included in the report should be accurately referenced using the same referencing format (which is known as the Harvard System) as is utilised in your study guide.