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Submit the FINAL version of file containing the Case Study Evaluation Report, SAP Reflective Essay and Journal Entries to Turnitin for review as instructed on the course Study Desk.
a. If your Turnitin report is acceptable, it is ready for submission.
If the Turnitin report stands at more than ten percent, you should revise the applicable sections before submitting. Even if it is below ten percent but there is a significant match with the work of another student, some revision is advisable.

In-text citation and references (or sources) are required using the Harvard referencing style
This section is based on the following case study which can be accessed via the CIS3009 StudyDesk Course readings - DiReCt link (in the upper left-hand column).
Brown, V & Vessey, I 2001, 'Nibco's -Big Bang-', Communications of the Association for Information Systems, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1-42.
As an external consultant, you have been hired by NIBCO to conduct an analysis of the effectiveness of the processes NIBCO undertook in choosing SAP as its ERP system and to present your analysis in the case study format to NIBCO’s Leadership Triad addressed to Mr. S. Beutler.
Your tasks:
1. Read the complete case study to ensure you fully understand the SAP implementation and its outcomes.
2. Focus on the Case Study sections VIII-XV, pp. 20-39 and use your knowledge of the Motiwalla & Thompson textbook, chapters 5-9 inclusive and at least 6 academically sound external sources, to develop your report.
3. As the case study highlights many issues, too many to be addressed in this assignment, you are required to restrict your analysis to following topics:
a. The implementation strategy adopted,
b. Implementation organization and approaches used,
c. Preparation for ‘go-live’ readiness,
d. Provision of training, and
e. Management of the stabilization period.
4. Your report should end with an evaluation of the overall effectiveness of the Implementation Process (in relation to the above topics only), and a ‘lessons learned’ section to inform any future ERP purchase process.

Length: 2500-3000 words.