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Program: Bachelor of Business
Subject Name: Advanced Business Communication
Subject Code: BAS22 A, BAS22 B or BAS22 C
Method / Type: Essay
Assessment No.: Two (2)
Group or Individual: Individual
Length: 1,000 words +/- 10%
Total Marks: 75 Weighting 20%
Semester / Year: 1 2016
Submission Date: BAS22 A 25 April
(Sorry no extensions)
Assessment Brief:
1. Should people who download music and movies illegally be punished?
PLEASE read the following Marking Form on page 3 so you understand how your essay is marked.

Structure of Essay:
• Introduction – The introduction should provide the outline of the essay and give the reader a clear understanding of how you are going to answer the question. Include the thesis statement and scope.
• The Main Body – Each paragraph of the body must have a clear topic sentence which carried the main idea of that paragraph. The rest of the paragraph should then relate to and support the topic sentence. To develop your argument you should use ‘signal words’ throughout your essay. Signal words let the reader know the connections between parts of the essay and the transition from one point to another
• The conclusion relates the main points or arguments made in the essay, and the major point of view is summarised.
Please ensure your essay:
• Includes a title page including your name; student ID; subject name; assessment title and number, addressed to and the date in full
• Is 1000(+/- 10%) words long (length as a guide only)
• Submitted electronically in Word format, using with Calibri or Arial font, 12 pt., 1.5 line spacing
• Is of a professional standard (spelling, grammar, punctuation)
• Insert a footer containing the page number
• Use Show/Hide and Print Preview to ensure that your layout is correct (i.e. margins and spaces)
• At the end of each page please insert Page Break, so that the following page’s text does not move up
Plagiarism Statement:
• An intentional or unintentional Plagiarism is deemed by GCA as cheating and is completely unacceptable. The assessment must be written in the student’s own words. Where the internet is used for research, a reference list must be listed as an appendix at the end of the assignment. The Harvard referencing system must be applied.
• Any plagiarism will result in a ZERO mark for that assignment. This includes the submission of assignments that are not the student’s own work or does not acknowledge the work of others.
By submitting this assessment in Moodle, you understand and agree to the plagiarism policy of GCA.
Assessment Notes:
• If, as a student you feel you have special needs that require your Lecturer / Assessor to apply a reasonable adjustment – please discuss this with your Lecturer/Assessor at the beginning of the subject studies
• Your assessor will be marking you against a marking checklist (see page 3), to ensure you have met the requirements of each of the relevant data. Should you fail the assessment your lecturer / assessor you have the opportunity to do a resit or resubmit
• You shall be advised by your assessor of the process
• If you feel the decision made by your assessor was in fact incorrect please refer to your student handbook for information on the assessment appeals process and the steps you are required to undertake.

Marking Form
Assessment 2 (Essay)
Student Name: Student ID Number: Class No Topic:

Excellent Good Average Not Adequate Comment
5 4 3 1
Clear and purposeful
Well organised and logical
Thesis statement and topic sentences in the correct positions
Appropriate structure (3 parts) with no subheadings
Subtotal / 15
Excellent Good Average Not Adequate Comment
5 4 3 1
Academic Language is clear and concise
Free of grammar and spelling errors
Good paragraph structure
Overall presentation (including title page)
Subtotal / 20
Excellent Good Average Not Adequate Comment
5 4 3 1
Use of varied sources
Both in-text citations and reference list
Recognised reference layout & style
Quality of sources used
Subtotal / 20
Excellent Good Average Not Adequate Comment
5 4 3 1
Was the topic/question answered?
Balanced and use of argumentation
Understanding of what is important
Independent thought used – synthesis
Subtotal / 20
Overall comments:
Total Mark: / 75