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Course Code: EDN7180
Course Name: What is Autism Spectrum Disorder
Due Date: Assessment Item #: 2
Enrolment: Off Campus x0 On Campus 0
Campus (Enrolled) Nathan 0 GC 0 Logan 0 Mt G x0 SB 0
Course Tutor: Ms Satine Winter
Course Convenor: Dr Kate Simpson
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Examiner’s Comments:

Criteria Topic 1: Demonstrates a knowledge and understanding of the use of quality assessments. Identifies and discusses examples of formal and informal assessments commonly used with individuals with ASD. Discusses the purpose for these as well as factors to consider in their use with individuals with ASD.
Outstanding Excellent Good Adequate Unsatisfactory Weight
8.5-10.00 7.5-8.0 6.5-7.0 5.0-6.0 0-4.5
Thoroughly addresses all aspects of the topic by critically analysing and interpreting the literature. Strongly supports the topic with relevant facts, examples and details. Rich connections between theoretical learnings and practical application specific to individuals with ASD. Addresses all aspects of the topic, including some analysis of the literature. Includes relevant facts, examples and details. Connections between theoretical learnings and practical application specific to individuals with ASD. Addresses central aspects of the topic. Includes some facts, examples and details, but discussion more descriptive than analytical. Connections between theoretical learnings and practical application to individuals with ASD. Addresses most aspects of the topic in a limited way. Includes some facts, examples and details but discussion restates contents of the documents. Some connections between theoretical learnings and practical application general to individuals with ASD. Superficially addresses some aspect of the topic. Little or no accurate relevant facts, details, or examples. Little of not connection between theoretical learning and practical application /10
Criteria Topic 2. Discuss the research on promoting self-determination of individuals with ASD across the lifespan and factors that have been identified as necessary for effective collaboration with families including cultural perspectives and perspectives of individuals with ASD.
Thoroughly addresses all aspects of the topic by critically analysing and interpreting the literature. Strongly supports the topic with relevant facts, examples and details. Rich connections between theoretical learnings and practical application specific to individuals with ASD. Addresses all aspects of the topic, including some analysis of the literature. Includes relevant facts, examples and details. Connections between theoretical learnings and practical application specific to individuals with ASD. Addresses central aspects of the topic. Includes some facts, examples and details, but discussion more descriptive than analytical. Connections between theoretical learnings and practical application to individuals with ASD. Addresses most aspects of the topic in a limited way. Includes some facts, examples and details but discussion restates contents of the documents. Some connections between theoretical learnings and practical application general to individuals with ASD. Superficially addresses some aspect of the topic. Little or no accurate relevant facts, details, or examples. Little of not connection between theoretical learning and practical application
Criteria Topic 3. Demonstrates a knowledge and understanding on the use of evidence-based practices for individuals with ASD. Explain why this is important and identify factors to consider when selecting an intervention. Discuss classification levels used to describe the effectiveness of treatment programs and interventions and include an example of an intervention for each classification level
Outstanding Excellent Good Adequate Unsatisfactory Weight
8.5-10.00 7.5-8.0 6.5-7.0 5.0-6.0 0-4.5
Thoroughly addresses all aspects of the topic by critically analysing and interpreting the literature. Strongly supports the topic with relevant facts, examples and details. Rich connections between theoretical learnings and practical application specific to individuals with ASD. Addresses all aspects of the topic, including some analysis of the literature. Includes relevant facts, examples and details. Connections between theoretical learnings and practical application specific to individuals with ASD. Addresses central aspects of the topic. Includes some facts, examples and details, but discussion more descriptive than analytical. Connections between theoretical learnings and practical application to individuals with ASD. Addresses most aspects of the topic in a limited way. Includes some facts, examples and details but discussion restates contents of the documents. Some connections between theoretical learnings and practical application general to individuals with ASD. Superficially addresses some aspect of the topic. Little or no accurate relevant facts, details, or examples. Little of not connection between theoretical learning and practical application /10
Criteria Topic 4. Demonstrates a knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework and principles of Applied Behaviour Analysis and the evidence base for its use in achieving outcomes with persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Identifies and explains examples of leading approaches that are based on the principles of ABA.
Thoroughly addresses all aspects of the topic by critically analysing and interpreting the literature. Strongly supports the topic with relevant facts, examples and details. Rich connections between theoretical learnings and practical application specific to individuals with ASD. Addresses all aspects of the topic, including some analysis of the literature. Includes relevant facts, examples and details. Connections between theoretical learnings and practical application specific to individuals with ASD. Addresses central aspects of the topic. Includes some facts, examples and details, but discussion more descriptive than analytical. Connections between theoretical learnings and practical application to individuals with ASD. Addresses most aspects of the topic in a limited way. Includes some facts, examples and details but discussion restates contents of the documents. Some connections between theoretical learnings and practical application general to individuals with ASD. Superficially addresses some aspect of the topic. Little or no accurate relevant facts, details, or examples. Little of not connection between theoretical learning and practical application /10

Criteria Outstanding Excellent Good Adequate Unsatisfactory Weight
7.0-8.0 6.0-6.5 5.0-5.5 4.0-4.5 0-3.5
Make effective use of recent, relevant, high quality literature to inform the topics and represent sources using APA (6th ed.) referencing style. Consistently uses references relevant to the topic, recently published, and of high quality, to inform the discussion.
All references documented in the article are presented in a reference list using proper APA format.
Citations are consistently presented using APA 6. Mainly uses references relevant to the topic, recently published, and of high quality, to inform the discussion. All references documented in the article are presented in a reference list. Minor errors using proper APA format.
Citations are presented using APA 6. Includes references relevant to the topic and recently published. Some use of high quality references to inform the discussion.
Reference list has a number of different minor errors in APA format. Citations are presented using APA 6. Errors occasionally evident. Uses references related to the topic. Includes some recent and quality references. Most references documented in the article are presented in a reference list. Reference list has a number of different errors in APA format. Number of different APA citation errors. Limited or no use of relevant and recent references. References are poor quality. Reference list has frequent errors in APA format. Pervasive APA citation errors.
/ 8
6.0 -7.0 5.5 4.5-5.0 3.5-4.0 0-3.0
Demonstrate ability to present information in a coherent and logical manner, substantiating viewpoints revealing evidence of analysis, synthesis and critique. Format is very well presented and clearly defined. Presents a highly cohesive discussion that is well organised and follows a logical sequence. Language is formal. Use of appropriate grammar, punctuation and spelling. Format is very well presented and clearly defined. Presents a cohesive discussion that is well organised and follows a logical sequence. Use of appropriate grammar, punctuation and spelling.
Overall format is clear. Discussion follows a general sequence, however, tends to meander in sections. Some mistakes in grammar, punctuation and spelling. Some use of formatting tools to organise the document. Discussion meanders which impacts on readability.
Informal language and some mistakes in grammar, punctuation and spelling. Presents little structure in writing. Discussion is hard to follow. Pervasive mistakes in grammar, punctuation and spelling
/ 7
What you’re doing well ... What you need to address next time ...

7180EDN Assessment 2
Please address the four topics below with a reflective response of approximately 600-700 words for each question. Responses will need to be supported with quality research and references. A minimum of 5 references is expected per topic.
1. The use of quality assessments can be very important for individuals with ASD for a variety of
reasons including diagnosis, determination of strengths and needs, and evaluation of programs. Please define and list some formal and informal assessments commonly used and discuss the reasons these assessments would be used as well as factors to consider in their use with individuals with ASD.
2. One of the main themes of the Autism Studies program is the need to consider perspectives of individuals with ASD and the issues that have been identified by families of individuals with ASD. Discuss the research on promoting self-determination of individuals with ASD across the lifespan and factors that have been identified as necessary for effective collaboration with families including those from different cultural backgrounds.
3. Being knowledgeable about the evidence-based practices for outcomes for persons with ASD is considered extremely important. Explain why this is important and identify factors to consider when selecting an intervention. Discuss different classification levels used to describe the effectiveness of treatment programs and interventions and include an example of an intervention for each classification level.
4. ABA is an extremely well researched evidence-based practice for individuals with ASD. Discuss the theoretical framework and principles of Applied Behaviour Analysis and the evidence base for its use in achieving outcomes with persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder including some leading approaches that are based on the principles of ABA.
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