Recent Question/Assignment

2.5 Assessment Details
2.5.1 Annotated Bibliography
Weight: 20%
Type of Collaboration: Individual
Due: 11:59p.m. Sunday,March28,2021
Submission: ViaTurnitinonvUWSsubmissionportal
Format: HarvardWesternSydneyAnnotated
Length: 1000words
Curriculum Mode: AnnotatedBibliography
Students are to identify their area of innovation interest and choose a single project that exemplifies that area. Projectschosenmaybelocalorinternational,butcompletedsince2000. Projectsshouldbewelldocumentedsince thisprojectcanbeusedinafutureassessment.
– Sustainability
– Productivity
– SocialResponsibility
– Financing
– QualityControlorAssurance
– CostReduction
– OccupantHealthMaintenanceorImprovement
– BuildingCode
– Safety
– OffsiteConstruction
Students are encouraged to rewrite their first draft of annotation to correct errors such as grammatical mistakes, word choices, awkward flow, tautology, split infinitives, and run-on sentences. This will be marked in accordance withthegradingmatrix. Itisbestifstudentsadheretoall”HighDistinction”columnattributesandeliminateallin the”Unsatisfactory”column.
Studentsareaskedtode-identify(removeyourname)fromtheirassessmentsothatmarkingbias,realorperceived isminimisedoreliminated.
See the grading matrix for attributes encouraged and rewarded. See Exemplar below. No cover page, introduction norconclusionneeded.
Note: Turniitinsimilaritypercentagesandhighlightswillnotbeavailabletostudentswhensubmittingassessments.
Aitchison, M 2018, Prefab housing and the future of building: product to process, London: Lund Humphries, 2018.
Designresearchusesaniterativeorcircularapproach. Witheachpass,thereismoreclarityandintegrationasquestions areanswered. Individualconclusionsarereviewedcontinuouslyandarebroughtintoamoreharmoniouslyalignment. Themostrecentdirectionofdesignthinkingoffersdiagnosis,analysisandprocessofdeterminingthoughtfulsolutions. A company’s pattern and meta-structure have to be captured and analyzed for efficiency to start innovative design thinking. Both terms describe the way a modular firm operates. Patterns are activity-based while meta-structure is an overall hierarchical way in which the company is set internally and within the market. Once each is captured, thenaclearerdirectionofdesignstandardizationcanbedetermined. Thetwocomponentsare”ends”and”settings”.
Ends are what are the specific goals such as targeted cost to produce, time to manufacture, quality to attain and reuse level of components upon disposal. Settings are constraints in the company operates, both self-selected and externalones. Creatingadescriptivepictorialofthebuiltproductstatingfeaturesandperformancestandardshelps designthinking.
Akiner, I. and Akiner, M.E., 2009. Evaluation of the Turkish construction industry through the challenges and globalization. Organization, technology & management in construction: an international journal, 1(2), pp.64-71.
In this article, Akiner and Akiner (2009) examines the Turkish construction industry through the challenges and globalisation. The author claims that the Turkish construction industry is affected by the politics, legal, economic andtechnologicalaspects. Themainaimofthearticleisto
recogniseexistinglatentfactorsthatwouldpromotetheglobalisationoftheTurkishconstructionindustrywithinthe globalmarkets. TheresearchobjectiveistoevaluatethefactorsthatwouldfacilitatetheglobalisationoftheTurkish constructionindustry. Moreover,thestudyfinding depictsanexistingsituationoftheindustryandprovidesafeasibledirectionfortheconstructionorganisation.
The shortfall of this journal article is that the authors have exclusively accumulated the information from issued articles. The inclusion of the primary information through the survey or questionnaire would have yielded better results. The authors have considered only the impact of globalisation of the Turkish construction industry in EU
TheUniversityofWesternSydneyLibrary: e-resources,librarystaff,andpaperpublicationsaccessibletostudents vUWS:seerecommendedreadingsandotherresourcesavailable.

Editable Microsoft Word Document
Word Count: 1278 words including References

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