Recent Question/Assignment

T1 2020: ICT201 Computer Organisation and Architecture
Assessment 2
Assessment type: Report (2,000 words) – individual assignment
Purpose: This assessment will allow students to demonstrate that they can identify and understand synchronisation and deadlocks. This assessment contributes to Learning Outcomes b and c.
Value: 30% (Report 20%; Presentation 10%)
Due Date: Report Submission via Moodle (Week 9 Sunday 23:55); Presentation (Week 10 – 11)
Submission: Upload the completed report via Moodle.
Task Details: The report will require analysis of an operating system scenario and a report on the systems and logical issues involved, as well as options for resolving the problem and subsequent implications.
Referencing: Please remember that all sources used in assessment tasks must be suitably referenced. Harvard referencing is the required method. A Referencing Guide, “Harvard Referencing”, and a Referencing Tutorial can be found on the right-hand menu strip in Moodle on all subject pages.
Assessment Topic: Analysis of an Operating System scenario, Computer Organisation and Architecture Report
Assignment Details:
1- Given the following arrival times and CPU cycle times.
Job Arrival Time CPU cycles required Priority
A 0 3 3 (Silver)
B 3 8 2 (Gold)
C 4 3 1 (Diamond)
D 7 14 2 (Gold)
E 12 2 2 (Gold)
a) Draw a timeline (Gantt-Chart) for each of the following scheduling algorithms.
b) What is the Waiting Time and Turnaround Time of each process for each of the scheduling algorithms? (Details of the calculation is essential).
i) First-Come-First-Served (FCFS) ii) Round Robin (RR) (use time quantum of 3) iii) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN) iv) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) v) Shortest Process Next (SPN)
2- Using either internet resources or books, understand the concept of Memory Management and Virtual Memory. Define those terms (Memory Management and Virtual Memory) in your own words.
You must provide references and cite the sources that you consulted for this task. (Harvard referencing is the required method.)
3- Consider the directed resource graph shown below and answer the following questions:
a) Is this system deadlocked?
b) Which, if any, processes are blocked?
c) What is the resulting graph after reduction?
Assessment 2 Marking Rubrics - Report:
Criteria Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Effective Excellent Exceptional 30 %
Content Fail
(0 – 49%) Pass (50 – 64%) Credit (65 – 74%) Distinction (75 – 84%) High Distinction (85 – 100%)
Depth of Content The explanation is sufficiently inaccurate, incomplete, or confusing that the reader gains little information from the report. It appears that little attempt has been made to help the reader understand the material. Some difficulty in reading, structure lacking in some parts Well written, structure not totally clear Well written and structured. An accurate and complete explanation of key concepts and theories is made, drawing on relevant literature. Enough detail is presented to allow the reader to understand the content and make judgments about it. In addition, applications of theory are included to illuminate issues. Readers gain insights. 6
Accuracy of Content Does not directly answer question Directly answers most of the question Directly answers the question Directly answers the question giving additional insights Information (names, facts, etc.) included in the report is consistently accurate. 6
Clarity of Purpose No support for the project’s objectives taken in the answer. Provides some support for the project’s objectives taken. The project’s objectives are presented. The motivation for pursuing the project and its relevance are addressed. The
discussion is reasonably clear but not compelling. Provides excellent level of support for project’s objectives taken. The project’s objectives are clearly stated. The motivation for pursuing the project and its
relevance are clearly
and persuasively established by relating the project to current engineering problems. 6
Depth of Analysis No analysis presented Analysis based on some argument Analysis based on sound argument Analysis based on an extensive argument Results are carefully and objectively analysed. Interpretations are made using appropriate equations, models, or theories. 6
Use of
Grammar, and Sentence
Structure Very little
knowledge of subject matter demonstrated. Adequate knowledge of subject matter demonstrated. Sound knowledge of subject matter demonstrated. High level of knowledge of subject matter demonstrated. High level of knowledge of subject matter and synthesis
with theory demonstrated 6

Editable Microsoft Word Document
Word Count: 2022 words including Diagrams, Calculations and References

Assessment Topic: Analysis of an Operating System scenario, Computer Organisation and Architecture Report

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