Recent Question/Assignment

1. Collect information on the different types of meetings that can occur in a workplace.
(1) Describe in detail: formal, semi-formal, virtual and informal meetings and give examples of each
(2) Describe why these meetings are held
(3) Who attends these meetings?
Reference: Class Slides
2. Research & explain the meeting requirements the following types of companies:
(1) Proprietary Company
(2) Public Company
(3) Listed Company
Reference: Class Slides
3. Define in detail these meeting terms:
(1) Chairperson
(2) Secretary
(3) Treasurer
(4) Abstention
(5) Adjournment
(6) Agenda
(7) Motion
(8) Casting vote
(9) Proxy
(10) Tabled
Reference: Class Slides
4. Select a venue in your area and research and report on the costs for the following:
• Room Hire
• Catering costs
- Morning tea
- Lunch
- Afternoon tea
• Equipment hire
- Overhead projector
- Electronic whiteboard
- Data projector
Reference: Class Slides
5. What documentation is required when organizing and managing a formal meeting? Include a description of who is responsible for the documentation and indicate any timelines required for this documentation.
Reference: Class SLides
6. Write a report on the skills and qualities needed to manage efficient meetings.
Reference: Class Slides
7. Describe legal and ethical requirements that you must be aware of while managing a meeting.
Reference: Class Slides
8. When planning and managing a meeting there are a number of tasks that can, and should be delegated. List the types of tasks that could fall in this category and the benefits associated with delegating these tasks to other staff members.
Reference: Class Slides
9. Read the case study and prepare an agenda for the following meeting:
Case Study:
Coco - Knight Clothing Company (CKCC) will hold a meeting on the first Monday of next month. The meeting will take place in the Board Room at CKCC premises – 18 Mary Street, Smithtown, Vic. The meeting is for the Department Managers of CKCC.
The meetings always commence at 2pm. The next meeting will include a varied discussion on topics such as: sales results, new company car acquisition, Italian fabric wholesalers, company travel expenditure, recruitment needs (2 positions to be filled), scheduling of staff performance appraisals and implementation of new WHS procedure.
Reference: Class Slides
10. Explain the role of the minute taker and the interaction undertaken before, during, and after a meeting.
Reference: Class Slides
11. All communication with participants relating to organizing a meeting must be undertaken with culturally appropriate communication techniques. Explain what is meant by this.
Reference: Class Slides
12. Describe the layout you would use for the following meeting types
• Formal presentations to large groups
• Medium-sized participative meetings
• Small meetings for debate and discussion
• Relaxed team meetings for planning and creative sessions
Reference: Class Slides
13. Describe in detail the following legislation and how it affects business operations regarding
managing meetings?
• anti-discrimination legislation
• ethical principles
• codes of practice
• privacy laws
• Copyright
• Work health and safety
Reference: Class Slides
Task 2:
Case Study:
You are the Personal Assistant to the Director (your trainer/assessor) at a very profitable National Electronics Company, Computers R’ Us.
Part of your job role is to manage meetings held at Computers R’ Us. This includes preparing the agenda and taking the minutes.
Important for PPT Slides:
The Business Development team has just reported to the Director regarding the research they undertook about introducing new products to the current range sold online. They have chosen 3 new items to be added to the product range.
The Director has advised you to organize a meeting ASAP for the launch of new products via a presentation to invited guests (current and potential customers).
The Director has advised that while making arrangements for the meeting following must be considered:
• The Board Room is used for all meetings
• Purpose of the meeting is to discuss the new products.
• The Business Manager will conduct a PowerPoint presentation which will detail the features and benefits of each new product.
• Some brainstorming regarding following will be required
o the budget for the presentation,
o where it will be held,
o who will be invited,
o what staff will be involved,
o The requirements of the presentation itself.
He has specified that the following personnel need to attend the meeting:
• Admin Manager
• Business Development Manager
• All Business Development Team Members (5)
• Customer Service Manager
• Finance Manager
You will complete the tasks listed below. The trainer will allocate a designated timeframe for the actual meeting and follow up to be conducted after which you will submit your completed work.
Part 1:
In your preparation, you are to ensure that:
• Purpose of meeting is clarified and the agenda developed in line with stated purpose
• The style and structure of the meeting is appropriate to the meeting’s purpose
• Meeting participants are identified and notified in accordance with organizational procedures
• Meeting arrangements are confirmed in accordance with requirements of meeting
• Meeting papers are dispatched to participants within designated timelines
You must provide your agendas to your assessor at the time of your assessment
Part 2:
Following on from your ‘case study Part 1’ you are required to chair the meeting you have organized.
You will be observed by the trainer in the required aspects of managing a meeting in the simulated
work environment provided. This will include how you interact with other members of the meeting;
utilize your meeting agenda, and the overall managing of the meeting.
Whilst conducting your meeting, you are to ensure that:
• Meeting is chaired in accordance with organizational requirements, agreed conventions for the type of meeting and legal and ethical requirements
• Meeting is conducted to ensure they are focused and time efficient
• Meeting facilitation enables participation, discussion, problem solving and resolution of issues
• Minute taker is briefed on recording meeting notes in accordance with organizational requirements and conventions for the type of meeting
Part 3:
After the meeting, you are to follow up, ensuring that:
• Transcribed meeting notes are checked to ensure they reflect a true and accurate record of the meeting and are formatted in accordance with organizational procedures and meeting conventions
• Minutes and other follow-up documentation are distributed within designated timelines and stored in accordance with organizational requirements
• Outcomes of meeting is reported as required, within designated timelines
This checklist is to be used when assessing the students in this task. This checklist is to be completed for each student.
In undertaking this presentation, did the student Satisfactory
1. Explain and discuss desired outcomes of the topic with the target audience
Discussed with the participants the following:
• gave overview of objectives and explained the structure of how the objectives were going to be achieved and the content
? Yes ? No
2. Use presentation aids, material and examples to support target audience understanding of key concepts and central ideas
Used at least two (2) of the following (indicate which ones):
• flip charts
• whiteboard
• power-point presentation
• real items/products
• handouts
• internet ? Yes ? No
3. Use persuasive communication techniques to secure audience interest
Used at least three (3) of the following (indicate which ones):
• smiled - showed genuine interest & enthusiasm (credible)
• maintained eye contact
• addressed the audiences’ needs
• used surprising facts to gain attention
• explained benefits of the content being presented
• confident about what they were talking about
• used analogies
• storytelling ? Yes ? No
4. Use culturally appropriate communication skills to relate to people from diverse backgrounds and people with diverse abilities
Demonstrated at least one (1) of the following (indicate which one):
• Avoided the use of slang and jargon
• Appropriate eye contact – not staring ? Yes ? No
5. Summarise key concepts and ideas at strategic points to facilitate participant understanding
Demonstrated at least one (1) of the following (indicate which one):
• broke content down into logical steps
• key points/stages noted to students and content recapped
• took questions and answered student queries progressively ? Yes ? No
6. Provide opportunities for participants to seek clarification on central ideas and concepts, and adjust the presentation to meet participant needs and preferences
Demonstrated at least one (1) of the following (indicate which one):
• clarification - resulting from response point 5
• rephrased - changed language used/ simplified language and/or examples
• used different questioning techniques - open / closed ? Yes ? No
7. Use non-verbal and verbal communication of participants to promote attainment of presentation outcomes
Demonstrated at least three (3) of the following (indicate which ones):
• showed good listening skills
• avoided the use of jargon and slang
• maintained appropriate eye contact
• inclusive of ideas from others
• summarized progressively
• Ensure there is congruency between the verbal and non-verbal communication, i.e. they match-up ? Yes ? No
8. Collect feedback from participants
Demonstrated at least one (1) of the following (indicate which one):
• Obtained verbal feedback from students
• gave feedback sheets for completion and collection - quick ?sheet or scale for what they liked/ not understood/ performance of presenter etc. and ensured room for comment ? Yes ? No