Recent Question/Assignment

The topic is “Diarrhea among children aged 0-5 years in Madhya Pradesh, India” . So, the health issue is Diarrhea and targeted population group is under 5 children of Madhya Pradesh, India
It should be done in APA style and in report format with word limit of 1500
Your task is to select a target population group and health issue that is in need of a health promotion intervention. The target population can be within or outside Australia. Once you have selected your target population and health issue, submit to your tutor for approval. You are required to individually conduct a Rapid Needs Assessment of the approved target population and health problem. Your aim is to convince a potential funder that the issue you have identified is of high priority, and demonstrate the magnitude of the problem and the existing gaps (the ’need’)
Needs Assessment structure
1. Health issue
Description of the health issue – magnitude of the problem (prevalence), population(s) at risk, using epidemiological data and other sources (e.g. scientific journal articles). Overall factors influencing the issue – known causes, risk and protective factors, including biological, social and environmental determinants (e.g. sex, age, literacy levels, housing stress etc)
2. Impact of health issue on target population
Describe the target population – brief demographic profile e.g. age, sex, ethnic distribution, geographical location, level of remoteness (where relevant), socioeconomic status.
Description of the health issue in target population – magnitude of the problem (prevalence), subpopulation(s) at risk, using epidemiological data and other sources (e.g. scientific journal articles).
Factors influencing the issue specific to target population – causes, risk and protective factors, including biological, social and environmental determinants
Impacts on target population – Discussion of physical, mental, social, and economic impacts of health issue (if relevant) on target population.
3. Service capabilities and community resources
What resources exist in the community to address the health issue?
- Health workforce availability – number and distribution of health workforce; geographical spread of health services
- Assessment of efficiency and effectiveness – accessible (geographically and affordable – public or private services)? High quality care? Appropriate (culturally)?
Who are the stakeholders that you will need to consult with that can influence the health issue? (positive or negative influence) – discuss their capabilities, interest and influence (Appendix – Stakeholder Analysis)).
4. Priorities for action
Using the analysis of the health issue and capabilities, identify opportunities and priorities for possible health promotion action. Ensure you have evidence to support your claims.
– Recommendation of specific actions based on the analysis of the information
5. Appendix – Stakeholder Analysis
Complete the Stakeholder Analysis table and include as an Appendix. The example of stakeholder analysis table is also provided in the form of picture.
Stakeholder Analysis - Assessment Support
A stakeholder analysis is an approach to generate knowledge about individuals and organisations so as» to understand their “behaviour, intentions, inter-relations and interests; and for assessing the influence and resources they bring to bear on decision-making or implementation processes.-(Varvasovszky & Brugha, 2000)
Your task is to identify at least three stakeholders that you anticipate you would consult with, and engage for, your needs assessment/recommended actions and detail their characteristics by completing the table below.
You will need to explain your selections and rationale in the body of the needs assessment report and attach your table as an appendix.
As an example, the first row has already been completed. The needs assessment is about binge drinking (health issue) in young adults aged 16 -35 in NSW (population).
Stakeholder I Description of involvement in the issue Interest in the issue Influence/powe r Position Impact of issue on stakeholder
National j
Institute of
j Alcohol Coordinates national activities in alcohol i research, prevention | and treatment High Low Supportive High
Stakeholder Analysis - Assessment Support
A stakeholder analysis is an approach to generate knowledge about individuals and organisations so as» to understand their “behaviour, intentions, inter-relations and interests; and for assessing the influence and resources they bring to bear on decision-making or implementation processes.-(Varvasovszky & Brugha, 2000)
Your task is to identify at least three stakeholders that you anticipate you would consult with, and engage for, your needs assessment/recommended actions and detail their characteristics by completing the table below.
You will need to explain your selections and rationale in the body of the needs assessment report and attach your table as an appendix.
As an example, the first row has already been completed. The needs assessment is about binge drinking (health issue) in young adults aged 16 -35 in NSW (population).
Stakeholder I Description of involvement in the issue Interest in the issue Influence/powe r Position Impact of issue on stakeholder
National j
Institute of
j Alcohol Coordinates national activities in alcohol i research, prevention | and treatment High Low Supportive High